Oh & regarding ferts. I usually use Fox Farms sparingly. I'll usually cut the dosage they recommend on each product in 1/2, and give each plant a small splash of the nute water as well as just plain Poland Spring gallon water each time I water them. Again, this is TOTALLY my personal preference, but I've found that when Im able to access my plot easily, my girls like small dosages of nutes regularly, instead of a full gallon of nute water every cpl weeks. What works for me may not work for you, so just pay attention to what your plants are "telling" you, learn to read their soil, etc and they'll tell you what they need. If something stumps you, go online and read about em. Also, every week-2 I sprinkle a small $0.99 bottle of pepper flakes mixed with a $0.99 bottle of chili powder in a circle about 5-6' around my plot. Sometimes I'll dump some of the chili powder into a spray bottle w/ water too if I remember & I'll spray the grass & flora around my garden as well. Most animals I've found don't want to eat the grass or other plants around my plot when they have the pepper on them. I'll also take a bottle or 2 of urine out every couple weeks & dump that around the perimeter too. Its worked well for me thus far knock on wood, and although you won't keep ALL animals away, it'll deter some!