Outdoor LR2 Grow UK


Well-Known Member
well lets hope so lol.good luck wi ya grow dude and thanks for keeping me right,not tht its been to hard at mo just really let them get on with it.hoping to see a change wen i go c them tomoz,weather has been brutal over the past 3 days all be it today was mint and the suns only went in hour ago.So do u rekon they are about halfway through budding?tomoros pics shud be better actually so check in tomora.


Well-Known Member
only 1 pic due to battery dying,not much change but the weather has been poor for 4 days.strting to lose patience with them now like,theres never any real change wen i go to them, i rekon they have stopped growing or summit.



they look good to me mate, its just a case of not much sun for fast growth, i would advise you try and get a indoor setup even its only for 1 plant in a spare wardrobe, that way you'll not be waiting and waiting for sun so you can get a smoke. but for now i would just leave them to grow for another month or two until they are ready


it must be 10 years since theres been a really good summer here, i wouldn't worry about a little purple it can happen plants sometimes. it happens if they are a little cold which there probably are at night.


Well-Known Member
there gone buddy,and the fence so i asked about and to my shock there is a dog copper what lves 5 min wqalk away and he walks his 2 dogs past the crop every day,so i rekon the dogs smelled it and copper took them.pisse doff aswll cos the weather got mint a day after.gunna av to wait till next year now,ive learned alot so will be better next time.r there any other gud autos i could get instead of lr2 tht can grow in our climate?might get few normal seeds too.


ahh man am so sorry that sucks balls! why would any retard do that to a few harmless plants? they should go raid the pubs of booze instead. when will people wake up and see things for themselfs rather that just believe the brainwashing. try dna genetics 60 day wonder mine is coming on really well but u should really think about getting urself a 125watt cfl and ull have a plant every 2 months.