Outdoor/Light Dep Season 2014 in Norcal


Well-Known Member
Nice grow ....you gonna extract that car from your water hole ...? just to avoid the pollutants ..


Well-Known Member
Nice grow ....you gonna extract that car from your water hole ...? just to avoid the pollutants ..
yeah that water hole just came about recently, no one or nothing drinks from down there come july. but i have already removed 3 cars..... which none were mine


Well-Known Member
Hi mofoo, just browsed through your thread. looks spectacular! ill be watching for sure. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Just smoked some uncured kyrptonite, it brought a smile to my face as soon as it hit my lungs.
oh, that was three hours ago, I've had 3 hits since 9am. If it still hits this hard after 2 weeks of smoking, I just might have an all-time favorite!

Thanks Mofoo !!!!


Well-Known Member
Just smoked some uncured kyrptonite, it brought a smile to my face as soon as it hit my lungs.
oh, that was three hours ago, I've had 3 hits since 9am. If it still hits this hard after 2 weeks of smoking, I just might have an all-time favorite!

Thanks Mofoo !!!!
Kryptonite is a 2 hitter quitter for me. And the taste is delectable.