outdoor, just for fun and see what happens


Active Member
I got some seeds and cookies from my dispensary on 4/20 so I thought I would throw a couple seeds in some dirt and eventually move them outside and just see what happens. Put them each in a cup of potting soil dirt on saturday 4/23.

I had them outside at first in the shade but then the next day I moved them out into what I thought would be a sunny day but it rained the next couple of days so I moved them inside into our computer room and kept the door closed. It feels at least 75+ in here and the soil got dried out a couple days ago so I put water in the cups, too much I guess so I poured out the excess and when I checked it this morning it looks like one of them had sprouted up through the dirt. The other cup has no signs of life yet though.

We have a heavily landscaped back yard from the previous owner and the plan is to make sure one or both are female and then to plant them somewhere in the backyard amongst all the other plants and bushes. I have neighbors on all 3 sides of the house with either fences or large hedges between us but if the smell gets too strong I will just cut them down or give them to someone else if that's possible. I was going to use LST or something to keep them bushy and hopefully be hardly noticeable I guess?

I am an authorized medical mj patient so none of this is illegal but I don't want to start anything between my neighbors or want my family to know when visiting, I dont really care to get any bud or anything, just thought it would be fun to see what happens with a couple of seeds..

Heres a photo I just took of the one that did poke up through the dirt.



Active Member
1 week update:

A few days ago I noticed the one that had sprouted first was pushed out of the ground quite a bit and the tap root or whatever was quite exposed out of the dirt, maybe an inch or so. The exposed part of the root was all brown looking and looked dead, it was very thin in the middle and looked like someone had pinched it. I should have taken a photo but instead i very lightly covered it with dirt.

It was actually looking better yesterday and now today it has completely sprang back to life. It is now growing up into the air and looks like its about to open up with little leaves! I keep them in my computer room with the door closed so it stays nice and warm for them at night but they were in full view of the blue case lights in my computer (right between the 2 cases actually) so I thought maybe since they weren't seeing full darkness it was messing with them. So I moved them to the darkest part in the room and shielded them from the light.

The second seed has also sprouted, its taken that one quite a bit longer but it seems to be doing ok. I'm not much of a gardner and I may have been overwatering them, I've seen a friend of mines grow and he does drip system where he runs the pump on timers and drips water onto these soil cube things so I figured if I was giving them good amounts of water it would help. I have cut back on the water as well unless the soil looks like it really needs it.

I put them on my computer room window sill during the day so they get as much natural light as they can, its been just rain rain rain lately so they dont get any sun since its so cloudy though. At night i move them down from the window sill and close the shades and keep the door closed so it stays nice and warm and dark.

Some photos:


Active Member
Was going to update my journal 7 days from my last post but here's what they look like 9 days later since my last post: On 5/4 I changed my bulbs from the 2 14w 3000k to 2 24w 6500k

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Here's what they looked like right before I switched out the bulbs on 5/4

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Crazy how fast they are growing with just soil, tap water and light!

Also looking for thoughts on an idea here: