Outdoor Irrigation



no mate there cheap as chips, you have to either let them rehydrate in your holes before you dig it in and cover them or rehydrate them before you put them in either works well but they dont do the job of what a good water supply can do they just help.but really dig a tarn its easy once you dig it its up to nature good rain water and you can give them fresh nutes every time u go.let us know how you get on.it would be the bears i would be freaking out about,got nothing like that where i am thank god.PEACE


Active Member
It is quite possible to have a great crop and only visiting once a month. Gotta watch out for many factors growing outdoors though.

EX - Hunters, Hikers, Random People, Animals (Deer, Pigs, etc), Bud Rot, Mold, Caterpillars, Rain (starts bud rot if left stagnate and sitting on buds)

Its quite and experience. Good luck with your grow.

I'm from hawaii too. ea those fucking boar gona eat my plants? what island you from? I'm from Kauai, but I live on oahu now.





Active Member
i sink several plastic garbage bins into the ground,cut whole in center of lid and turn upside down,use as rain funnel,can evan put green leaves in there to make condensation water if really dry.thats what i do,works well:twisted:
I am planning on growing outdoors this next growing season. and i am trying to figure out the best watering system for about 25-30 plants. Carrying water would be way too much of a hassle so i had an irrigation idea.

When scouting for a grow spot try to put it semi close to a river or stream or some kind of flowing water supply. Now cut a hole in the bottom of a five gallon bucket and run a garden hose through it. use the five gallon bucket to "catch" the water as it is flowing and it should force it to flow through the hose right? u can then use the hose to lead the water to your plants and greatly reduce the hassle of watering this many plants...

This is just an idea if anybody has any kind of existing system similar to this i would greatly appreciate the feedback as i am trying to brainstorm watering systems for my next grow.