Outdoor/Indoor Grow - HI


Active Member
Hi everyone! First time grower here so would love all suggestions and comments. I live in Hawaii so if anyone from 808 has tips on growing here that would be great! I also ordered short stuff autoflower mix and 5 different TGA strains so when I get those seeds I will be putting them right in soil!

Medium-Soil(FoxFarmsOceanForest and ACE soil)
Nutes-Organic(BlueMountainOrganics Nutes Line w/SPT)

My cousin gave me 2 seeds of Molokai Diesel. I planted them on August 30, 2011. They both popped up on September 1st. I Forgot to label the cups I planted them into so now I don't know which is which lol.

The plant I have in my "Growing Shack" will be called Deformed#1. I started this seed in a peat pellet and as soon as it came out of the soil I put it into a styrofoam cup with ACE soil. At 14 days old I checked the roots and could see some on the outside so transplanted into a 2 Gallon pot filled with ffof and perlite. The first week of its life it was outside in the sun from 6:30am-7:30pm then into my grow shack until the next morning where I would repeat. After the transplant I decided to keep this one inside full time. Lights are at 18/6. I gave it a light feeding on 9/14/11. This is where the plant sits as of now.

The other plant will be called the Molokai Diesel because it didn't look all fucked up when it first started to grow haha. This seed was put directly into the ACE soil in a cup and popped at the same time as the one in the peat. This plant was inside and outside its first week of life also and then decided to make outside her home. I transplanted her same time as the Deformed#1 into a 3 gallon pot with ffof. I also fed her the same day her sister. Between the 2 I noticed that the Molokai Diesel likes outside better whereas her sister grew better inside. This is how she looks now. I think they look like different strains, what do you guys think?

This is why I grow inside also. Anyone know how to get these bitches to stay away from my plant?

Heres my daughter checking on her plants. Shes 2. She takes care of the Molokai Diesel :) and the vegetables.

Heres the closet grow shack. I call it a grow shack because its ghetto. Painted walls white and covered floor with paper lol. Works alright. I also leave the door open because i have no exhaust fan just a bunch of air blowing in and out. Temps in the daytime are between 84-88 degrees and nightime gets 76-80 degrees. I made a fixture and has 27 watt 6500 and 5500. 4 each. Also have 2700k for flowering. Would you guys recommend I put my chords inside the closet or leave them outside?

Also if anyone has experience with BMO nutes what would you guys recommend as a good feeding schedule. Right now I plan to do Bi-weekly feeds. Feed one week then water with Super Plant Tonic following week with plain water for inbetweens. I mix 1 Tablespoon Grow it Green, and 1 teaspoon flower power. Then mix 1.5 teaspoons SPT. What do you guys think?

When I first moved into my house 6 months ago my uncle had a plant outside. Then he put it under a sink. Then into the garage for a couple months with no light. Then it got infested by ants and aphids. And now white flys. He maybe watered this plant once a month. When he first said I could try bring it back to life the plant looked like it was going to die. Heres the earliest picture I could find of her but this was after it got a little better. Could you guys help me revive this plant or is it too late?

Heres how it looks today.

Would love to hear feedback or comments. Thanks guys!
I would pull that lanky POS and not waste your time. Auto flowers are a waste of time and money especially in Hawaii. I say veg indoor and flower outdoor. I do that and don't pay too much on lights but I can manage plant heights a lil better that way.


Active Member
Hey thanks for the reply. Yea im just growing that lanky one and going to try make butter or something with it. I realized I wasted money on autoflowers for here lol but live and learn right.

That is my new plan now is to veg indoors and flower outdoors. What type of lighting would you recommend getting for that closet? I don't want to have to pay too much on electricity. Does cfl's work good enough for veg and clones? Also what strains grow good here in hawaii?


Well-Known Member
welcome! and i just gotta say, i think it's beautiful how you're introducing your daughter at such a young age to gardening and the wonderful plant of cannabis :)
I'm curious - what is the genetics of the Molokai Diesel? it sounds nice :) i'll be interesed in seeing how they turn out.

Also, there is a thread devoted for hawaii growers called Hawaii Growers. It's under Outdoor Growing section. Aloha!