Outdoor in fl


Well-Known Member
Ok, im growing belladonna, and ive had them indoors for about 2 weeks on 24 hour lighting under a cfl. i put them outside 3 days ago , i havent seem them since i put out. I was wondering, when will my plant start to flower outside?



Well-Known Member
will putting the plants outdoors hurt the plants? what about erosion of bud>Also, how long would they have to be outside. a few weeks?


Well-Known Member
anyone know>?
You should take that link down off of your sig, those types of sites are all fucking spam, that shit will take over someone's computer if they don't know any better. I bet you have all kinds of computer problems... With all those fucking cookies and add ons, why do u think they will give u free shit if u join.


Active Member
Your plant will begin to flower when its old enough. The bud development is caused by a hormone relased when the light is approximently 12/12 aka summer solstice. And everyday after that the days become shorter telling the plant hurry up and produce its fruit/seeds so the people of marijuanaville can smoke and continue to smoke.