Outdoor harvesting


New Member
Hi all!
Long time reader, first time poster.

Have a history of plants being stolen from the backyard. Last two weeks I've been putting it inside at night. Hopefully that's okay?

My real question though, is about cropping. I've cropped one plant before a few years ago but did it just a bit prematurely. I want to do it right this time but with the season ending I'm contemplating on doing it sooner than later. The top buds seem to have atleast 40% brown hairs and look good to go. The buds lower to the soil however, maybe 20%.

Also, the leaves are beginning to turn purple. I know this may be a deficiency or it could be from the weather becoming much cooler as of late.

Any advice would be great. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
The bud looks good to me .......of course anytime you can let it go a little longer the better but If you think someone's guna rip it off then yeah take it my friend I've seen people harvest stuff way earlier than what I've seen in your pic it should be pretty decent if you do a good dry cure on it. I'd do the same thing if I knew I was guna get ripped gotta do what you gotta do especially if it keeps it out of the hands of a damn theif


Active Member
The bud looks good to me .......of course anytime you can let it go a little longer the better but If you think someone's guna rip it off then yeah take it my friend I've seen people harvest stuff way earlier than what I've seen in your pic it should be pretty decent if you do a good dry cure on it. I'd do the same thing if I knew I was guna get ripped gotta do what you gotta do especially if it keeps it out of the hands of a damn theif
Couldn't agree more with you, I had to pull some of mine this week cause a friend of mine said some lowlifes were plotting to pull my girls.
Better safe than sorry


Well-Known Member
I'd rather hash plants early then let rippers get there hands on them ......I can't stand people who steal people's gardens It's like kicking a rabbit you just don't do that. Lol For real though fuck a ripper ......I'm guna have shirts made lol F#*K rippers .........


Well-Known Member
OP as others said waiting would be good, top looks nice, do you evaluate trics or just pistils? I researched partial harvesting and was considering plucking my tops on indoor grow but just waited two weeks and got 20% amber up top and mostly cloudy through all lower buds.

On purple leaves, just around buds, or any older/lower with mottleling or dying? My outdoor sativa was super healthy but had a phosphorus def fifth week of flower making huge buds! She let older lower leaves suffer and I've been plucking and hot her back on track. if just purple and all healthy than enjoy her genetics.