outdoor harvesting, whole plant or cut up?


Well-Known Member
so I'm planing on growing a few plants outdoors this year and was wondering If, when I was drying outside, it would be better to hang the whole plant up or to cut all the buds of and do all that, plus I was wondering what to do for the curing, if I moved it inside would the whole room it was in smell like weed?


Active Member
Personally, i'd cut it down then trim all the fan leaves(big or small) off of the buds and stems and into a bag to later be used for making Hash. Then hang the buds upside down in a dry dark place for a few weeks until the stem snaps when you bend it, then put all the buds in like Gladware for 1-2 weeks (everyday opening the container and stirring the buds). Then it will cure and smoke real smooth. So basically chop your girls into 3 parts, vegetive material(for hash or trash), Flowers, and Stems (garbage).

And most likely yes if you do it inside it will smell, but you might have too unless its dry/safe enough to be out hanging outside a week or so.