Outdoor Guerilla UK Super Auto 1st Grow

haha yer but youve just gotta hope the term for the plant weed is real in its growing habits lol
if it was really long ago they might of dropped cos there an anual plant right?
haha yer hopefully i dont become too addicted :P

and cheers for the salt trick, i was thinking about some copper around the stem cos thats supposed to work well, dunno yet.


Active Member
i got super cali haze as well its only few week old so not nothing really to look at as for outside i have some a ak-47xblueberry some heavy duyt fruity an a couple of w widow x cheese i did a couple last year but done them l8 but still ended up with 1 1/2 each so not that bad also they were planted in the ground,this year i am using some big ass bags for growing spuds an using my own soil mix,i will watch this though as i wanna see how your super cali haze looks to mine peace


Well-Known Member
your welcome dude youve seriously got me considering going on a mission at the weekend to check it out lol
yer nothing to declare itll be good to compare our results, Im sure youll do heaps better though haha sounds like youve got some nice strains and ideas.

haha yer ontheball its nice weather and if youve got nothing else going on ahaa


Well-Known Member
ah i got tresspass on some land to get there now my m8 used to keep horse in this field and we set up in the forest of the side of it. but im well up for it lol have u grown outdoors before ?
ah right is there no other access to it? sweet

Nah this is first grow indoors or out

Im looking forward to learning alot haha mistakes or not


Well-Known Member
Ah c c , thats cool man i only started growing early march tried a few diff ways , personally i think indoors is easier to learn from but growing really isnt as anal as most people make out. Outdoors is more about protection from the elements , were as in doors u learn more techniques tricks tips whatever u wanna call them. Once ive got some cuttings i might give the outdoors another shot !

and yeah that old place was phat no other access other than the gate the field was like a courtyard. I might rent another field to fly my buzzard ;)
yer ahh good good i didnt want to become a prick about it haha
yer Well i am eventually hoping to do some indoors when i get a suitable place but until now its just about experimenting and trying to get some nice bud

How do you get your cuttings to root just interested :)

Haha sounds ideal, dunno if buzzard is sarcastic or genuine comment? haha


Well-Known Member
Cuttings rock wall razor blade and some rooting gel. ive only tried once had 5 outta 10 take on. alot of people seem to struggle with cutting so i havent gone into it that much , still learning myself :) hahaha a bit of both i used to keep birds of prey thinking about doing it again , would all be a perfect excuse :)
ahhh yer, is that like a rooting hormone cos ive seen some powder that said it was a rooting hormone, in homebase :lol:
ahhh sounds cool yeh haha would mean you could go up there often without suspiction too :D


Well-Known Member
yeah my mrs rides also so have plenty of excuse for being out and about lol i just like my grows to be close , ill probs move next year anyways try get a house n garden etc.

im not sure about the hormones id avoid that , the rooting aid is normally a gel
ahhh yeh, easy to keep an eye on then. sounds good

okay cheers haha. if i ever do cuttings itll probs be in a few years but ill try temember that one :)

im excited to go see my plants tuesday wanna see if theyve done much yet haha


Well-Known Member
haha yeah id be wondering that all the time i like being able to keep a watchful eye on my kids neutered a male this morning , it wasnt there last night sneaky bastard lol
haha yer, ooh good job you got him :p
i was thinking of just getting some small regular strains just plonking them in a field in 3's or all together and when there is pollen just rubbing the hell out of them onto each other to get a bank of seeds, maybe a few different strains to get a few different types of seeds and stuff
haha jsut an idea

cos i want to do a PC grow would be good to have lots of seeds to waste haha


Well-Known Member
heh it crossed my mind when i got that male my seeds supplys are low but i thought fuck that im just gonna take cuttings and not waste a fem. think those pc grows need certain seeds like those auto flower ones i could be wrong tho. p.s. ( remember to cover your path back over when you visit your plants , a pain in the arse but better than an ally way to them.)
hmmm yeh but if i had pc thered be no space to have a mom and take cuttings, veg and flower haha.
ive got a link in my subs of people using normal strains but you can put them into flower early on or 12/12 straight from seed. itd be good to top and lst it too.

Thanks for that yeh ive been checking over me everytime i leave its not too obvious, trying to lay things so i know its a sign if they move someones been down there too but not too obvious, if you get me im not sure that made sense ahha

ive read the thread titled "the ultimate guerilla grow guide" and it says in there to do it


Well-Known Member
ah c c , fairenough mate your armed with some knowledge already then :) ive not looked into 12/12 from seed if u can do it with any seed thats what ill do with my next batch :)
haha i try my best to research haha becomes obsesive, but if you research too muchyou can sometimes get less clear about what you want haha

yer im not really sure how it reacts to the 12/12 im gunna read on it