Outdoor Growth Calendar for Northern/Central California

I'm new to the forum, so I hope I don't step on anyone's toes for posting a thread that has been addressed elsewhere. I live on the central coast of California (Santa Cruz County, specifically) and will be growing some clones outdoors this season. I decided to go with 5-gallon pots, so that they can be moved as necessary to get the optimal amount of sunlight. I purchased Fox Farm's Ocean Farm soil and also some of their fertilizers being Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching. This will be my first season growing so I'm trying to get a good growth guide calendar that can lay out how many weeks plants in this region generally stay in the vegetative growth cycle and how long they generally flower. Does anyone have some information about this? I want to make sure not to start feeding the flowering nutrients too early (considering that they help induce flowering) so I can get the best vegetative growth out of the plants first. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The flowering nutrients won't induce premature flowering just so you know. Cannabis is a photoperiod plant so flowering is caused by the amount of light. That being said, you won't want to put your clones out until around may. If you plant earlier they may begin flowering since the days are still short. Seeds can be started a little earlier since they must mature first, unlike clones.

Flowering times will vary between strains. But typically you could expect flowering to begin around mid July. Plants will finish anywhere from sept- nov. depending upon strain.


Active Member
harvest has to do with sunlight time, not when you start.
That is unless you are growing autos. And if you are - put them out now :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the knowledge and advice. A good friend of mine in the area recommended starting in early April for an early harvest. Any thoughts on that?
Most clones will go into flower if you put them out in April. You can start seeds ok.
If you put a nice healthy clone out in mid may, you can expect a pound or more come October if everythings dialed in.
If you've got clones now, keep them inside & get them nice & big, & put them out in May.....And stand back!
If you put 1/2 your clones out in April & keep the others until May or June, they will produce just as much, because the early plants will start to flower when you put them out, but the days are getting longer, so they will revert back to veg & become confused for a few weeks. Then they will try to start to flower again. The plants you put out later will just continue to grow fine until the days get shorter in Summer.
Good luck