Outdoor Growing


Active Member
OK i live in california and i thought grow season was here so i germinated my seeds.:weed:

now there germinated but i cant plant them outside. if i plant them now they wont grow to well i assume seeings how it started raining again,it would put them in shock.:evil:
so im wondering whut do i do with these germinated seeds cuz i cant start them inside cuz i live with my mom.

will these seeds die if left in a wet paper towl untill grow season starts?

and.......when is the earlist i can plant them outside because their the only seeds i have and i dont wont them to die.

please let me know, this is my first grow so im not too sure.

thanx........ :joint:


Well-Known Member
i would just go pop em in the ground, better give em a go at life then let them die in the paper towel

good luck


New Member
Yes they will perish if they have germinated and are not planted. They have a small reserve when born but that won't last. Ever consider putting them outside and simply putting a clear cover over them?

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
i will put them outside with some plastic wrap over them utill the rain lets up then i will pop um in the ground .

is grow season almost here? its like around april right?


Active Member
true..i was just hopin it was around grow season so they dont go into shock but i will put them outside tomarrow.

wont the cold weather make it not grow?


why not put them in a party cup for a couple weeks then transplant? it is still march.


Active Member
all right good.
it dont get below 40 up here its like 55 - 60's.
cool so i should be good.

thanx everyone for your help!


New Member
Weed will stop growing at around 50 degrees. It does not mean the plant is harmed in any way. It just waits for the temp to nudge up. Of course your low temps occur during night time so growth is not happening anyways. I've had plants in the low 30's with no worries.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
alright well i found out spring starts friday!

so i popped um in the soil today and put them outside in between some huge sissor bushes so the plant will be all perfectly camo'd out when it grows bigger ,cuz it will intertwine with the bushes and shit.

do i have to worrie about it being in the shade a bit?

it should'nt matter cuz ive seen grows in shade and they have no problems
im just a lil worried about my mom finding my plant but it sems camo'd enogh so it hould be all good.

tell me whut you think and if i should do anything different!


Well-Known Member
if needs be because of weather ... cut soda bottle 2 litre or bigger with the top off .. punch some holes and place over plant .. perfect mini greenhouse :)


Active Member
why would i need a greenhouse at all spring is here pretty much and im growing outside.

making this greenhouse thing would just add to my paranoia of my plant being found by my mom.

may i mind you this plant is off my property but only on the other side of the fence next to my property were the bushes are.

they are pretty big bushes so the plant can get some height but im still nervous about getting caught seeings how this is my first grow.

beginers paranoia i geuss.