Outdoor growing question...HELP


Active Member
If it starts raining...can I go inside and put the plant under a light without any risks of stress or some other problem? Thanks a lot...

p.s. the plant is two weeks old :weed: and I've never put it under a light before :S


Active Member
Are you growing south of the equatorial line? If not then you are too late in the outdoor growing season and need to come inside to grow. If you are, I wouldn't concern myself with bringing it in unless there was a danger of the plant being over-watered.


Active Member
No...Im north of the equatorial line is it ok or not? The other thing is that its a regular incandescent light bulb I dont have a metal halide or something like that I just do it to replace the light hours ;)


Active Member
Well, you are too late to grow outdoors. First frost is just next month, November at the latest. An incandescent is not a grow bulb. You can grow with CFLs if you have to go on the cheap, but do not expect massive harvests. There is a CFL sub-forum on this site that can give you help if you decide to go that route. But, it sounds to me as if you need to do a lot more reading before you put any plan in place.