Outdoor Growing - Need Advice - Looking Good So Far


Hello follow assistants in the most wonderful industry in the world. I started this new batch on July 3rd and although I am a newbie at this, I am however not a newbie when it comes to a green thumb. There are some things I am concerned with that maybe some of you experienced growers can help me with.

I happened to find some preserved land in the city that 99% wouldn't dare to want to explorer. There are ticks, spiders, snakes, mosquitoes, chiggers and other little unpleasant creatures that inhabit this area that you really wouldn’t want at your feet. If you don’t have bug spray you are 100% screwed. When it rains the humidity is extremely high. If I were a weed I would want to live there because the environment is so natural and the pant around are producing so much co2 that help assist the growth of other plants nearby. I have been growing there since mid April but the first batch of 24 got eaten by critters after a month in one night. Devastating but the fight to harvest was continued. This time I am using advanced seeds I was able to get a hold of in the last second. The first batch was garbage anyways. The knowledge of errors with the first batch has been avoided as much as possible with this new one.

What I did was made a small crop circle in the middle of these huge preserved tall growing weeds and green whatever you call it. It’s pretty thick on either side of me and visibility is nonexistent from all surroundings of you are on the ground. This is a place is pretty sweet in that I can tell that no one goes out here at all, and if they did it wouldn't be for very long. There were no signs of anyone being there for at least a year, if that. I put in a fence about 3 feet tall in a circle and then I put chicken wire around the pots. So far I have had no problems with critters as of yet on this batch. This is a very successful technique I hear and it is working great.

I am concerned with the "the man" in the helicopter. Does he come in the heart of a major city to take away what I have worked so hard on, or does he mostly travel to the outskirts of the cities to scope amongst the thick forest and illegal guerrillas? This isn’t a big batch at all and again it’s in the heart of the city.

I am also concerned with the fact that I might have planted too late. I figured 100 days would be around mid to late October for harvest. Does it take longer for outdoors than indoors? A close friend told me they would produce bud and that I was able to plant in time to receive the gold? Where the hell do I stand with this?

I use Fox Farm organic soil and I have been mixing Big Bloom fertilizer in with the water just recently at lower doses because I don’t want to screw it up its it’s too young to feed already. By looking at the size of the pots, how much water does it need and how much Bloom should I use here on out? I use just enough water to keep the top wet, need more? I keep th PH levels between 5.5. And 6.5. The last batch I was just using tap water which is way too high in PH level and you can see the difference big time in the resistance it gives against insects. Ph level is such a crucial factor with the plants immune system. There are no bites or chews of any sort and these things are healthy as can be and they are at that point where they are taking off in size daily.

Determining the sex of the plants. I am having a tough time in that I do not see any lil pollen ball sacks yet. All I see are 2 leaves emerging for the armpits of the stems all up and down the main stalk. Is this female or still too early to tell? How much longer do you think it will take to determine? There are no white crystal hairs yet emerging from the armpits of the stems yet only 2 small little leaves. Do males produce 2 leaves from the armpits of the stems?

Is it possible for insects such as bees and other little flying creatures to pollinate my females if there are no males around? This would cause seeds to be produced?

I’ve got 16 of these women. I like to call them all women because I would hate if anything was different than that. What other things can you guys think of I might need in this venture?

1. I am concerned with the "the man" in the helicopter. Does he come in the heart of a major city to take away what I have worked so hard on, or does he mostly travel to the outskirts of the cities to scope amongst the thick forest and illegal guerrillas?

2.By looking at the size of the pots, how much water does it need and how much Bloom should I use here on out?

3.I am also concerned with the fact that I might have planted too late. I figured 100 days would be around mid to late October for harvest. Does it take longer for outdoors than indoors? A close friend told me they would produce bud and that I was able to plant in time to receive the gold? Where the hell do I stand with this?

4.I am having a tough time in that I do not see any lil pollen ball sacks yet. All I see are 2 leaves emerging for the armpits of the stems all up and down the main stalk. Is this female or still too early to tell?
How much longer do you think it will take to determine? There are no white crystal hairs yet emerging from the armpits of the stems yet only 2 small little leaves. Do males produce 2 leaves from the armpits of the stems?

5.Any grow tips to produce a bigger yield is appreciated?

6. Any tips on disguise or camouflage?

Much Love To You All
G13xKush ( I wish)

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
helicopters look for a difference in foliage. mj is very green, while surrounding veg is brown. it just stand out! the more in one spot, the more obvious. its green cuz you water it and the rest of the surrounding plants rely on rainfall.


Well-Known Member
ok idk how you water with all the fence around it like that but it does keep the critters away which is good. water till all the soils moist. as for the sex of your plants if u see the sacs formin where pistols should be get rid of the sacced plant thats a male u want female pistols bud its a lil late but ur still gonna get dat gold dont worry your plants sound like theyre in vegative growth so give em sum time to mature but most of them are big enough to give nutes Nutes give the plants mineals and stuff to make em grow bigger i recommend miracle grow since ur new to this whole growing thing dont use it to much or it will burn ur plant once a week should do the trick. YA AND TO CAMO it better just try and make it look as natural as possible dead grass here and there and if it doesnt look like a big circle from the sky u should be safe Ight hope dis helps KEEP IT GROWIN


Active Member
dude be carefull with guerilla outdoor grows ..they knw it pretty well nw and growing is pretty much a hot topic these days....go indoors be safe...the plants look really nice though .....

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
2 things

smaller text
Determining the sex of the plants. I am having a tough time in that I do not see any lil pollen ball sacks yet. All I see are 2 leaves emerging for the armpits of the stems all up and down the main stalk. Is this female or still too early to tell? There are no white crystal hairs yet emerging from the armpits of the stems yet only 2 small little leaves. Do males produce 2 leaves from the armpits of the stems?

id like to know this as well


I will work on the whole camo thing. Its a bitch to get to where they are but that is next to work on since they are taking off now. Not one insect bite on these things yet which is great. They are so healthy and coming in strong. I took the bottom pic after i did some folar watering. Net pic I will take before I water it so you can see how the leaves reach to the sky

A week ago
4 Days Ago
Today after folar watering


Well-Known Member
thast whats up. i wish it was freakin time to harvest already.. then again i wish it was the begining of the season so i could plant more plants.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
They will do fine...the chicken wire cages around each individual plant seems a bit uneccessary, those will be small no matter what and wont need a cage to support them or anything, but the cage around all of them is straight, and they should bud just fine, wont be a huge yeild but definitly worth it, water when they wilt or just look thirsty...