Outdoor Growing in Kentucky

i follow what you're saying. just be cautious, im sure that product is more harmful than the company would like you to believe. ive read about it some
if its safe to put on your food your growing to eat it should be safe to put on your weed.I have used it for years and years with out it hurting me or any one.ky.ps......some years if you don't use it there will be no crop to harvest in the great outdoors in ky..
do moor toping and pinching on the end of the limbs and cage them and you will get two times moor buds..jmo..ky
What do you mean by cage then? I was gonna put some stakes in when needed. I also might have to move them to more wooded area. I do have some wire type fencing do you just put it around it so branches grow through?
How close to the plant? Right up against it so branches grow through ? I've always use bamboo stakes and twist ties. Thanks for your help
eventually you wanna thread the branches through the gaps to help with yield n stability when flowering @doublejj you got a pic of a caged beast you could show this gentleman?
How close to the plant? Right up against it so branches grow through ? I've always use bamboo stakes and twist ties. Thanks for your help
ive used a car trailer net and wire the last two seasons but you gotta remember I don't grow monsters like some of the others but depending on size you are growing to how heavy duty the wire mesh you use..and the gd thing is you could re use the wire mesh over and over even for hanging buds on and drying
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What do you mean by cage then? I was gonna put some stakes in when needed. I also might have to move them to more wooded area. I do have some wire type fencing do you just put it around it so branches grow through?
put wire around them so the branches grow thrue and you can bend the limbs apart to get more bud and the wire will hold up the weight of the buds so the limbs don't break off when the buds start getting big you can make the limbs grow where you wount then to grow to space them out means lots moor buds to harvest..ky