Outdoor growing in Bulgaria


Hi guys. I am from Bulgaria the weather here is very good to cultivate hemp, I have been grown marijuana since 2 - 3 years. I believe, that the most heat summer's period is very dangerous , and it can kill the whole crop. Actually,these so-called bad periods begin at July and finish at Avgust. It is 40 degree (celsium). Therefore I think that it is better to sow your seed late , as an example at the begining of Juny, so our plants will vegetate more, and they will bloom later (Oktomber-November) when the temperature is 20-26 degree. I will cultivate Seedman's Skunk #1 , and soon i will buy more strains. My question is : What do you think about my opinion, what is the best time to sow the plaint is your point of view. Also can someone recomend me good strain , easy to grow, big yields and willing to rise in my place. When I start to grow my hidden garden, often I will upload photos. Thank you so much. btw sorry about my bad English, but I am tring to improve it :P


Well-Known Member
by planting late your plants may not veg to much and flower quickly which will leave you with small harvest. an outdoor plant with plenty of water can take some high temps. if your realy worried you could try to plant in an area where they will only get morning till noon sun then are shaded from the sun. if i were you i would give them a try full sun. in america some folks grow well in the dessert 100+ farenheight during the day. make sure they dont go dry that will be a big factor for you. and whats up albertruzzos ass he signed on just to make a retarded coment? sorry i believe he must think your a pollitician, like your going to go legalize it yourself. i hate to recomend plants there are hundreds that will fit your needs. if youve got a long season hurry up and plant some long season plants thats the best i can recomend. someone will come along and recomend something probly something with hype. but get what you can afford the hyped plants usualy dont live up to it. good luck in bulgaria, if i have a chance i would like to do some touring of eastern europe.