Outdoor growing and temperature plant stops growing


New Member
In short -- having been a skilled medical marijuana grower in Mendocino county for the past 8 years I've discovered that the plan will not grow
at temperatures 85F and up. I hope this fact helps your outdoor growing
info needs.

Cheers, Peace, Love & Unity!
The Psychedelic Pope
Saint Isadore - Patron Saint of the Internet

not for me in so cal it gets in the 90's even 100's and my ladies still grow lol


I would have to agree w the pope from Mendo...to an extent....its been over 100 and everything seems to shut down....80-87 and the flowers seem to double in size daily...when it goes above 95 nothing...I am just wondering if that extreme outdoor heat will damage the thc on maturing flowers...:wall:


Well-Known Member
Bullshit thats not true i grow where 98 is the average in aug and no one i kno has a problem with it


Active Member
In short -- having been a skilled medical marijuana grower in Mendocino county for the past 8 years I've discovered that the plan will not grow
at temperatures 85F and up. I hope this fact helps your outdoor growing
info needs.

Cheers, Peace, Love & Unity!
The Psychedelic Pope
Saint Isadore - Patron Saint of the Internet

Biggest load of bullshit,ever! Plants grow in tempatures exceeding 95 F


Well-Known Member
This has to highly strain dependent as well. If all cannabis stopped growing at over 85F, how would most indicas from the Middle East even exist?

California is not the best place for outdoor its the state with the most sunny days
That's a bad thing? We're talking about cannabis here, which likes lots of sunlight and lots of water.
Actually, it's one of the best places (outdoor) to grow. California has many microclimates but overall it has a long, warm growing season.


Active Member
gotta keep up with that water, they just soak it up ten fold when its that hot.. timing a sprinkler would be a great idea.. i can only imagine!


Active Member
ive heard that the optimim temp for plants to grow is around 85f but its been well over 90 and up to 100f at time and my plants are growin soo damn fast...i got over 2ft of growth in the past 3 weeks..


Active Member
I live in central cali and its over a 100 degrees every day of the summer, and my babies are thriving and grow 2 inches a day, they are lovin life.


Well-Known Member
In short -- having been a skilled medical marijuana grower in Mendocino county for the past 8 years I've discovered that the plan will not grow
at temperatures 85F and up. I hope this fact helps your outdoor growing
info needs.

Cheers, Peace, Love & Unity!
The Psychedelic Pope
Saint Isadore - Patron Saint of the Internet

I think it's more strain specific than anything... Some strains are bred to grow in more extreme climates (be it hotter, or colder), still the slowing/stopping of growth has more to do with temperature+humidity rather than temperature or humidity alone IMO. I do agree mostly though, at around 85-90 degrees F most plants seem to stop growing until the temperature is resolved.. but in some cases i.e.: a couple months ago I left some mommies in a sealed grow room for nearly 24 hours w/vent fans off they were trapped in 90+ degree temperatures but the growth was unbelievable... too fast, the fan leaves grew huge, much wider than they should have ever been and had burn marks/blisters; I think the crazy-fast growth was from the humidity levels, combined with the high temperatures?? Do you think this could be?
Any reply is appreciated,
Many much thanks!