Outdoor Grow


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Well-Known Member
Lookin' good bro! Nice healthy-looking set of plants. The stalks and stems on them look like they're built to handle some weight!! Lucky you!!


Active Member
So within the last few days two of my plants seem to have spots on some of the fan leaves and the new growth is kinda twisted.Doesn't looks like nute burn since its not the tips.Anyone got any ideas what deficiency it could be?
My temp is 70 and humidity is 50%.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, I would start looking at my pH for sure. Those mottled spots just scream Magnesium or Manganese deficiency, which are usually caused solely by the pH being off. If I were you, next time I water I'd get some straight distilled water if you got it, balance the pH of the water to 7, and water the plants until a good deal of runoff appears. Check the pH of the water runoff. If it's well over 6.5 it would hinder the plant's ability to take in Manganese, and if it's well under 6.5 it would hinder the plant's ability to take in Magnesium. Both deficiencies have these similar patches between veins. If your pH is way off, then I'd water with straight neutral water for the next watering, and then a light micronutrient tea or something for the watering after that. Adding lime to your mix will help, too, but takes time to break down in the soil before it affects anything. Two other things to look at -- is it mostly affecting the upper, younger leaves first, or the older lowers first? That would give you more clues as to what's up. The last thing it looks like to me is an overfeeding of P. It builds up easily in the soil, especially for vegging plants that aren't using as much of it, and the buildup of P can interfere with the plant's uptake of secondary nutes and micro nutes. Long story short, check your pH and see if these spots are patterned from the top or the bottom of the plant, and let us know if this tells you anything. Good luck!:leaf:


Active Member
So i went out and bought a ph meter and did what you suggested, watered with distilled water balanced to 7 and when i tested the run off it was 5.8 and the spots seem to be starting at the bottom on the oldest leaves and moving upward.What do i do to make the run off around 6.5 instead of 5.8.

Thanks for the reply J.W


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a classic textbook case of magnesium deficiency my friend. I'd water the next watering with 7.0 distilled water again, and the time after that, back to the normal feeding schedule, maybe starting off a little bit lighter than usual, and taking care not to overwater/overfeed. It'll take a little time for the deficiency to go away, even if you do it right. Also, you should probably check the pH of your water/nutes from now on, and keep them around a pH of 6.5. Keep us posted!

J Dub


Active Member
hey guys just thought i would put up some pics it seems like the leaves are starting to get better i don't see it starting on any new leaves.Just been watering with 7.0 ph distilled water gonna give them a little nute tea on sunday.



Well-Known Member

This plant looks awfully Christmas Tree like.. Is she starting to flower already?
Looks like a tad more Nitrogen wouldn't hurt, see how ur lower leaves are starting to yellow off, that is a sign of the start of Nitrogen Deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sokah, what's going on with this grow? I noticed you haven't updated in a while, thought I'd check in.


Active Member
Hey guys been busy haven't found time to update my journal in a while, Ive transplanted them into bigger pots they are growing well i think a few of them are turning out to be males though and a few of them have this weird stuff growing around the branches at the bottom of the plant. Here's some pics of the one i think is a male and the weird stuff growing around the bottom branches ill take some more pics of the plants once my camera is charged up.

