New Member
Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to growing. Well I've had 3-4 grows but still a newbie. Anyway this yr I have an outdoor soil grow in 10 gallon fabric pots using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend..Its meant to be a grow all season soil with no needed nutrients..Well I should have read more carefully. Before that I ordered the 3 Pack of Fox Farm and have been feeding them that schedule also. Its an organic soil I thought..? Am I wrong to ad liquid nutrients to that soil? My plants seem to love it. I had a few minor issues with to much rain..but now they look great and are in 2-3 wk of flowering..I also got some cal mag and gave them a little of that..just a little teaspoon per gallon..the plants look healthy I just dont know if I should have ever added the fox farm trio pack to it..oh well..we still have another 6 wks left of growing maybe 7. Its 9/3/21 now. I figure October 15-21..We usually never get to halloween up here in NY..I'm in Finger Lakes..Let me know if anyone has added fox farm to Coast of Maine..just curious of their outcome. Peace