outdoor grow, will street lights affect my crop?


i have had my plants outdoors from seed, the 3rd node has just formed and they are showing new growth every day, as fall approaches my plants will obviously begin to prepare for flowering/preflower, if my plants have been exposed to street lights daily through their whole life so far, will my plants refuse to flower even though they will be used to the street lights presence?
Yes they will affect your plant. I have a couple of plants I just started off by street lights so they can stay in veg longer. In Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible I read that this dude was so cheap that he stole every bulb on his street from street lights so he could grow haha. Most street lights are low wattage HPS bulbs if I'm not mistaken.
yes, just pick them off with a high powered pellet gun, the one you need a foid card for, at night through a window. just sayin....
i might run into a similar problem, im about to put a few plants out in a greenhouse to flower, my heater has a flame, is the flame enough to keep them veging?
thanks guys what would you reccomend for covering to flower? I think my plants may be starting to sex themselves but it could just be dormant node sites preparing to push out leaves
id do like my buddy said and shoot them out with a bb gun, but you have to pray that the electrical company doesnt come and replace the bulb and even worse spot your ladies. as for covering them, i have no experience. sorry i wasnt any help :? +:joint: = ideas tho. give me a sec :joint:
what i did was try to find a spot that would shade them from th street lights distance is also important if they are far enough away there is no problem but if to close the they will not flower.
what i did was try to find a spot that would shade them from th street lights distance is also important if they are far enough away there is no problem but if to close the they will not flower.
Hmm, how far is far enough? desertrat had a post regarding how man made light diminishes very quickly the farther away your plants are from the source. My garden gets a little light from street light, but is probably thirty yards from said light. What do you think?
yes, distance is another thing. i would say if your plant has its own shade from the light then its too close, other then that you should be cool. right monkeyinthemist?
I know this is an old thread, but wanted to offer something to future noobs who search this topic as I had. My neighbor has a hps light about 50 ft away from mine and they flowered just fine on their own. I was worried in the beginning and covered them with a black trash bag, but then was told if they started to flower before the bag was used, they should be fine without it.
i have a powerful street light a half a block away and they have never hindered my flowering. think of a full moon with no clouds - it never interfered with mj flowering.
I have both street lights and a neighbor that is a care facility with security lighting shining right over my fence and onto my girls. First year growing outdoors in this location so I have no idea how successful the harvest will be -- but they are flowering.

I think -- and I'm pulling this from thin air -- that a lot of it has to do with consistency. These plants grew their whole lives with these lights present, so I think they've adjusted to them. No science, just me speculating.
i would think so to plants seem to adjust to there enviroment. maybe since the daytime light is much higher, the night time light it gets is dark enough, to flower and not hermi out or something
what i did was try to find a spot that would shade them from th street lights distance is also important if they are far enough away there is no problem but if to close the they will not flower.
This is somewhat true because I myself have had to deal with the same issue, but the further away the light the better. Lumens will not hit the plant during dark cycle if the lights not close enough..
try to find a spot as far away from the light as possible and as far as the coverage go buy some black plastic tarp and make some sort of lean2 to cover the plants from the light.
They sure will affect your plants. Anything brighter than the moon is too bright to flower.

Not true. Depends on genetics and how you grow them. I've had a photo period flip under 24/7 lighting. It was at roughly 12 lux, if not more.

If you're under 2, you should be fine, 3 tops. But like I said, you can flower at brighter levels.

I used to use a light deprivation chamber, but not anymore. No real need unless you want to jump start the flower period.
I had the same issue last year, it defiantly fucked with bud timing and size. I live out in the country and was pissed when My neighbor had the city install one of those street lights right on our property line, I moved to the country for a reason, some fucking people, you want lights stay in the fucking city.