Outdoor grow speed?

Robo high

New Member
Ok it seems ever thing i grow outside grows soooooo slow and everything inside is like 3x as fast?

i herd from some people that its faster outside sometimes but yeah why is my plants growing so slow?


Well-Known Member
i guess inside they have better conditions,or maybe your place does not have hot temperatures?and insects damage them outside,they can grow bigger outside that is a fact

grow space

Well-Known Member
maybe your soils ph is wrong(5.5-6.5 is good)or you not using any fertz or nutes.maybe its because of the climate.details man, details....
keep up the good work....


Your doing something wrong... i just started my first grow about 3 weeks ago beginning with a 2 day germination process, and my plants are 6 inches tall with about 4-5 pairs of leaves. They are getting really bushy, and MJ looking. Im just growing em in my window atm which faces south. In a couple of days here im planting em outside, but from what i have heard outdoor plants can be monsters like 5-8 feet tall if grown properly. Good luck with your plants buddy.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Your doing something wrong... i just started my first grow about 3 weeks ago beginning with a 2 day germination process, and my plants are 6 inches tall with about 4-5 pairs of leaves. They are getting really bushy, and MJ looking. Im just growing em in my window atm which faces south. In a couple of days here im planting em outside, but from what i have heard outdoor plants can be monsters like 5-8 feet tall if grown properly. Good luck with your plants buddy.
I germinated mine indoors and they have been outside for 2 weeks this past saturday and already have some that are four foot tall. I'm in ohio, so I guessing that it's a combo of things wrong here. soil, fert.,ph factor and genetics of the plant too. what are you growing drasman? mine will be monsters, but won't show any pics until they get into that stage, at this rate, it won't be long (i hope)