• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Outdoor Grow -Season _1


Active Member
Wow so its been a while since i last updated my thread , and i guess i will do so now.

I got some master kush clones from a buddy of mine and 4 out of 5 have rooted so far.

I had dug one big a few holes to plant my plants , but onyl filled one with soil.
I dident expect the hole to take up soo mutch soil , lol.

I might be getting more soil or i will just plant all 4 -5 clones into that 1 hole.

At the moment i will update with 2 pictures wich are the clones and what im rooting them in.

I do have a question or 2.

from the pictures as you can see i am rooting them in nice rich soil that has been rolled up in plastic to make a nice grow pellet.
I wanted to know if it would be wise to plant them now or to let them grow out a bit first ?
they just got roots like 2-3 days ago and im thinking of filling some paper cups with soil and to let the grow in there for a week to fill out a bit more before i plant it outside, what do you guys think ?

Also i wanted to know how big of a plant do you guys think is needed so the deers dont chomp it down, im asking cause i have my chicken wire already and want to put it in the whole around the plants but i know it will steal some light from it , but id rather be safe then sorry.

where i live even tho its may the night time still gets sometimes in the 30's and on a good day its in the 50's, this is ok ,correct ?

Well i will update most likely thursday since the next 2 days will be full of rain so the weather forcast says.

Well bon voyage and any feedback is appreciated , and sorry again for taking soo long , the weather up here sucks and ...



Active Member
Well i wanted to post a few more pictures today , i decided to repot them in paper cups since the root system was soo nice.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good man. I haven't seen anybody clone in soil in a while. Looks like it worked out good for you.


Active Member
Ok so , i just wanted to write a new post after reading many more threads and getting more excited i couldnt hold but i will hold the anticipation of posting the pics i took today till tomorrow.

But i wanted to say that yesterday i bought 3 bags of soil and 2 bags of cow manure i also have a nice bag of perlite from a while ago so i will mix it somehow and fill in the second hole that i had planed on using.

I had went today to scout and check on my locations and put up one of the chicken wires , it seems i need to add a bit more soil to the first hole , the rain really sunk the soil i put there down a bit.

I wanted to ask if you guys would like to see some videos ?
If so i will go tomorrow and take 3 videos of 3 locations that are close by . 2 of them are the holes i will be planting in and there is a third hole i started digging but you can not imagine how big of a rock is in that hole i was digging for liek 2 hours till i gave up. its like a iceberg , on top it looks like its small but under the water its huge , thats how the rock is , lol.

Well let me know and hope you guys stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Videos are always good. "Wheres Waldo's Bud" has a thread for his first grow and he is doing the video thing too. I was thinking of doing that myself but I spent all my cash on supplies for my grow and can't afford a video camera now lol.


Active Member
Well today was a beautifull day and a perfect day to go to my sites.

I was trying to make the videos , but for some reason my camera was messing up and was cutting off at 15 seconds , i think its because i use my sd card from the camera as a storage device for movies and documents since my hardrive on my laptop is soo small.
Im going to try and fix the problem if i cant , well ill either make short videos , or bring my laptop with me and record , or just take pictures , but i really wana get the videos , so that there is more feedback and info i can share and from view.

Well i was going to update some pictures today , some from yesterday and some from today , but i will do it tomorrow if its a nice day , because i made 2 other holes today and i want to fill them with soil , all i did today was bring my chicekn wire and dug 2 extra holes and review my first hold and the last hole that i am still unsure off.

Just wana say or ask , that the first hole that i dug is the biggest at 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep , the problem is that i dug it about 3-4 weeks ago and wow over that time , everything just grew everywhere i almost got lost getting there , i will probably cut some branches around to get more light.
But as for the 2 and 3 hole that i dug today they are 1 feet wide and 1 and 1/2 feet deep , do you guys think this will be ok ?

The third hole i ws reffering to earlier is not the hole i dug today but is the hole i dug a while back with the 2 foot hole , 3-4 weeks ago , i will update tomorrow if its nice weather .

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
The bigger the better. You take out what you put in. I dig em down deep. I put in 25 gallons and recess it slighty in the ground. This hole can produce a 2 lb plant. Average is 3/4 +.



Active Member
Ok so the long anticipated arrival of this growing season has officialy started .

I had some misfotunees yesterday and id like to share and maybe i can get some feedback on this aswell.

First of id like to say i have many hobbies and i am verry spiritual, i only do natural drugs if thats what you wana call it.
So yesterday my soap was curring and me and my dad are not on good terms my mother either but at least i can talk to her a little.
As i was tending to my soap , my dad comes in my room and says what is this under the towel im like dont touch it its soap , he says what ?
I said im making soap , you cant disturb it for 24 hours untill its ready to cut into bars.
What does he do , he lifts the towel and says why are you making soap.
I get kinda mad and say im making soap cause its a hobby , its fun to do , thats what pple do with there free time they do stuff that are fun , I also make home made wine and i make crafts and all sorts of neat stuff.
He says i dont want you making soap, in my mind im saying what a fucking duche.
Then he says your not growing anything are you , i said NO.
What does he do , goes to my wind sill then he turns his attnesion to where my lights are and lifts them and sees some of my etheobotanical plants along with my clones and some mushrooms growing next to it all.
Im like O great not thi again.
Then he says ima kick you out , yada yada yada , yada yada yada.
You know the drill....

Anways what im trying to get at is why are old peopple or pple of the older generating so ignorant and so not spiritual.

I allways try and make a point about plants and natural stuff , mostly weed.
Like :
What impares you more weed or alcahol.
Why are there more deaths from cigaretss and alachol then weed
Why is weed medicinaly legal, this also brought me toa happy news that they legalized it in nj not to far away from me , witch i hope they do so also here.
I also try and explain that its a plant its all natural , whats wrong with it.

of course its illegal.
Then i say like you never done anything illegal.
I also say so you think pple should go jail for growing a plant even if its for personal use ?
I also bring up the point about why they cant make a patent on a plant and why its illegal , cause of all the money and its uses being used from all the way back back back , even the declaration of independence was written on hemp paper and i also say would you rather me smoke some k2 blend ?
They couldnt belive when they read the article about k2 in the paper , on how it produces same effects as thc but its not really been studied.
So wtf is wrong with my parents ???????


Ok lol ,that was crazy shit, lets get to the growing.
The good news was that instead of how things usally go down witch is my parents tossing all my plants in the trash or flushing it down the toilet , i had a chance to do it myself , and of course i dont kill plants or any living things , only sometimes i kill a bug , lol

So this morning i woke up rish and shine , 6am and did a lot of work , i took all my plants all my grow stuff , all my seeds , all my dirt , and i must say , Geezes carrying dirt is a bitch, next time im deff getting that one big bale of pro mix for like 37 bucks and getting some guano.

Well i got to my site and i took pictures no videos , i got kinda paranoid about uploading videos on youtube.
I still want to do it tho, if you guys can reffer me to a free site that lets me upload videos , im not sure if photobucket does , but let me know if i can and if it would be safe to do so , also if i can download a voice changing program lol off the internet so i can record with my good camera with great zoom and resoultion.

So i planted 4 plants in 2 holes , i forgot 1 clone in the house , woops , ill make sure to plant it tomorrow.
And i had a huge bag of bag seeds that i planted in several spots.

Now i want you to help out , umm ... with the bag seeds i planted some in some small pots as you will see in the pictures, and i planted some in the verry first hole , witch is the biggest hole , and i planted a lot of them , i planted it there cause a lot of new vegetation grew and im not sure how many hours of direct sunlight it gets , but the other holes get plenty of light probably liek 6 hours , not sure on that tho. i will update some time , as i was doing everything going from site to site and planting and adding soil and .....
I was able to notice the sun moving closer and closer , so i assume by 8am they shoul;d all be un sunlight , and stay that way for not sure prob 5pm maybe a bit longer.
But the question that i had was that with the bagseed i planted some in just regular soil from the ground that i loosened up a bit , well actually it was pretty loose already , but it looked like it was wood that was decomposed and turned to a soil.
Im not sure if the ph is good for this , i mean i guess i will find out sooner or later , but im thinking i read somewhere that decompsed bark is usally acidic ???

Ok heres the eye candy and i appreciate any feedback any help and any and all responses .
Thanks again and hope it all grows promisingly.DSCF0241.jpgDSCF0242.jpgDSCF0239.jpgDSCF0237.jpgDSCF0236.jpgDSCF0243.jpgDSCF0240.jpgDSCF0234.jpgDSCF0238.jpgDSCF0235.jpgDSCF0233.jpg

el tio

Active Member
nice..keep uploading pics to see how the do in the ground..im from puerto rico and ive been wanting to try it my self but fucking cows man..they will eat all my shit like the last time..i had one in the mountain i have for backyard and she was almost ready for harvest but some cow ate my princes..:( anywayzz im back on it and my babies are doing well they also outdoor but in pots.. here some pics of them..


Well-Known Member
Those are some really nice looking plants bro. As for the parents, You will probably never change they're point of view just as they will never change yours, so the only thing you can really do is be sneaky. Best of luck to you...


Active Member
Thanks El tio ill , you keep up the good work to , i guess you got cows like we got deers , do what i did with the chicken wire .
If i was you i would be in those cow fields getting mushrooms and well hearding the cows , , fresh milk and fresh meat , dont you like steak ?

ThinkSayMakeDo i am kinda shocked , are those genetically engineared seeds ?
Like wow , isnt this the same thing as seedbanks ?
I mean if you grow there corn from those seeds and then harvst and dry or collect the seeds then the genetics should be the same , so i duno if its really a patent.

This is verry interesting , if you could shed some light into this , would be cool and appreciated.

Thanks PotHead , and yea i guess your right , its just tragic to see people like this , and we are coming to a age where pple are supposed to realize stuff, a real shame.


I went to take a look at my plants today , Yesteday was a sunny day a bit windy tho i was kinda scared for them but they are nice and strong.
Soo , i will most likely be updating pictures on a weekly basis , i dont expect mutch growth for at least another week to 3 weeks , since they have to get established and well summer isnt really here yet up in the mountains it can get kinda chilly , so it wont be growing like crazy for a while , but youll see that there is growth .

Thanks all for commenting , i hope for this grow to be great .https://www.rollitup.org/members/thinksaymakedo-243486.html


Active Member
I went to the site yesterday and today , and decided i will not post for another week or 2, i dont wana waste a post just to show some slight growth.
The weather is getting better , and last week it was recovering from the shock and getting used to its new home, the new shoots started showing on some of them , and so i will w8 till they start to grow better before i update with pictures.

So far the seedlings i planted should pop up any day now.

Wish me luck =D


Active Member
Ok so i went to my site today , and everything looked well , all my seedlings have sprouted .

My clones are started to grow.

I wont say to mutch in this post do to the lack of replys.

BUT i will let you guys figure out what is what and if there are any questions id be more then happy to answer any.

Thank YouDSCF0252.jpgDSCF0248.jpgDSCF0246.jpgDSCF0250.jpgDSCF0254.jpgDSCF0251.jpgDSCF0253.jpgDSCF0255.jpg


Active Member
They look good man. You do plan on thinning those little babys out right?
Yes thanks for asking .
I do plan on thinning some of them out a bit the unhealthy ones , but these are all mexican shwag seeds so we shall see .
But i kinda just wana let them all grow out in a group , since i dont know how many of these might be males or females.

Do you think it would be better to let them grow out till i can determine sex and then thin them out or will the rootmass mess up the better growing plants ?


Well-Known Member
It''ll take too long to determine which are male and fe. So, yeah they'll tangle each others roots and stunt each other.


Active Member
I never knew the roots can tangle and stunt each other , this is a pretty big and deep hole.
But it does make sence.

I feel like letting it just grow and testing out to see what happens , like a experiment .

But i will deff thin them out a bit.

Just wondering , Would it be possible to root a healthy clone from a stunted plant ?


Well-Known Member
yeah that will be interesting to watch, maybe you will get a giant bush, or some thin plants. Or i have an idea, you could let them grow out a little, the tie all the stalks to the ground away from the core of the plants, so it is like LST, but with a group of plants