outdoor grow next spring first one???

ok next year i plan on doing my first outdoor grow i have 2 perfect spots... i read the cannabis grow bible so i now how to keep it safe and all that.. i live in southeast pennsylvania.. i want to grow hollands hope.. i was planning on buy 10 feminized seeds from marijuana seeds NL?? is this a good strain for the area and good seed bank?? and say 5 of those 10 make it to budding and i harvest them around how much should i expect? around 1 pound +?? this is for personal use and did anyone grow holands hope? is it a good high??


Well-Known Member
how many do you want to mature? because i think 10 seeds is cutting it close.. 4 could not sprout and leave you with 2 - 3 fems... which could be under 1lb.. if you want more plants maybe just use some bagseed along with your retail ones.. treat any kind of pot right and you'll have nice buds, it's not always 100% about the strain..
btw - i have been warned that feminized seeds can produce a lot of hermaphrodites..
ok anyone else?? ive also been looking at nirvana i heard good things plus they got the kaya hold and swiss chess .. id buy 10 fems... i rather have hermies than males cuz you can fix hermies and take off the male parts.. vs plain males which are useless ya know?


Well-Known Member
Loved the Nirvana NL an AK48.

The 48 was put threw shear hell outdoors here.
Hail, 110' heat, Spring cold, 50mph winds.

She was sooo potent, an pretty fat, I was very proud of her.
I would recomend Ak48.

Get the female seeds, dont waste your time outdoor if it could be a male.

Never had a fem seed hermi yet. But fem seeds are hermi seeds.


Active Member
i heard that hash plant is a nice grow flowers in early to mid august im not sure on yields though as for buying seeds from my understanding alot of these sites you order from when you order seeds they toss you some free ones of less popular strains, or like somebody else said bagseed works well it has female traits in it already and the bud in a good grow generally always are better than the bud you got it from, i had 2 bagseed last year i grew outdoor of purple kush both were fems no seeds at all and were slammin buds, you can buy feminized seeds and they can still turn males from stress also thats another thing to think about, well hope i could help good luck...


I grew some Holland Hope last year, and I loved it! Got some seeds from marijuanaseeds.nl too, had exceptional results! I ordered about 30 seeds from them in total, and they all germinated! Holland Hope was a nice smoke, with fat buds. It almost looked indoor when I harvested it!