outdoor grow lol


Active Member
I started 2 plants a few weeks ago evry things been going pretty smoothly tell me how im doin.
So i started these indoors i told my parents that they were for a school project and we were growing pea plants so iv just been growing them on my desk in my room, lmao cant believe they believed that shit!!! they been growing for about 3 or so weeks now... earlyer this week on monday night at about 2 am i went out with my freind into the forest to put these babys in the ground with nothin but some soil, and flashlight to lead the way through the dark. didnt think to bring a shovel of course... cause i was to baked to remeber...so we dug some holes with sticks, rocks, and are bear hands haha that was fun... unfortunatly its rained evry fucking day since i put them in the ground but there still standing strong... here some pics tell me what u guys think



Active Member
I went out just a bit ago to check on how they were doing and one plant is snaped in the middle bent 90 degrees over!!!!! how they hell did this happen!! I tied the plant to a stick so it would stand strait up she still looked healthy... do you think this will save her or is she done? here some more pics too hope she lives!



Active Member
I went out just a bit ago to check on how they were doing and one plant is snaped in the middle bent 90 degrees over!!!!! how they hell did this happen!! I tied the plant to a stick so it would stand strait up she still looked healthy... do you think this will save her or is she done? here some more pics too hope she lives!
she still looks good, dont worry about i fires il take care of it


Active Member
alirght i started 2 new plants a few days ago and there looking good.
the other two are doing good even the one that got bent over is still alive dam theses plants are durable!! i added some neutriants to them about 2 days ago:hump: ... i added some new pics tell me how they look:mrgreen:



Active Member
so the other night my plants were destroyed in a rediculous rain storm.i went out this morning and they were just pulverized no leaves just stems:cry: it was very heart breaking is there any posibility they can survive?


Active Member
well it looks like its just starting vegatative growth some tiny leaves look like there starting to come out of the stems sides