I've posted a few pic on my thread (mostly of Skunk plant still going) but have a pic of the drying buds . Drying nicely but dont think I will get much more than 1/2 O. But the seeds were free and I've spent fuck all on it so cant really complain. Tried a bit yesterday and tastes nice and gets you buzzing so cant complain. Looking forward to the big buds as i've only had some from the bottom. So jealous of the guys over in the states with good weather and the medical stuff ! We need to adopt that here !
Your's look nice and we've had a good week for weather so you should be nearly done. Probably rain next week in the SE (not sure where you are?) so watch out. That was the start of all my problems !
Keep it up mate

Just checked out your photos mate - Photo of the plant you posted are sweet look nice n stiky n covered in thc yum

looks like you got some nice well sized buds too for smoking
The guys over in the staes are well lucky yeah, they get so mucchh better weather than us, but we make do none the less!
Im pritey much Middle of the coutry mate
also checked my bud when i went out earlier, Found 2 sites that had bud rott just starting - Thank god i checked and thanks for the warnings. i had quite a bit of bad weather here last week but she was stain strong, hope she still does heh. Im probley going to have to chop her in about a week and half if the weather is startin to get worse - would of prefered to left it but what can ya do.
will keep updatin with photos. will post more below of today -
Whats the crac ben, everything lookin good from here!
cheers richie just takin it 1 day at a time
BTW sorry for the big read im stoned lol
i tend to ramble
Photos of today taken Mid-day :