Outdoor Grow isn't growing well! NEED ADVICE!


New Member
To give you a some background, I started this particular plant indoors then moved it out doors once i was big enough. Before I moved it outside I had LST and topped the plant. When I made the move outside I chose some woods. I found what I thought was a good spot, (doesn't have the optimal lighting, but it was the best due to the woods having a high canopy and not much light coming down). I dug a hole and filled it with organic soil and perlite. I used two bags, and it didn't quite make it to the top, or the same level as the forest ground(You'll see in pics).------Any ways there as been a lot of rain where I am at. I went to check the plant and found that the lower growth on the plant was beginning to curl. Of course it was getting a lot of water, with it dipping down. SO tomorrow I am putting more dirt in to raise it up. I am afraid that the plant is getting flooded and root rot is going to happen. so in the mean time I punctured small wholes in the wet dirt in an attempt to irrigate it. Help me out here! What would you do here. I know I messed up , help me to continue to learn about growing. Give me some advice. Some lighting advice would be great too!

Take a look. What do you think about it. What would you change. Growth is stunted I think. PLEASE COMMENT!!!!



Well-Known Member
Not enough drainage. if you dont fill the hole all the way it just creates a low spot for water to puddle (especially if not very good drainage)...

a gallon of water should drain very quickly... if it puddles that means you have too much clay and sand.


New Member
you can improve drainage with peat moss or perlite...
Thats what I was thinking. Take the plant out, add more soil and perlite and put plant back in. I'm hesitant to use peat moss, I don't want to have to deal with ph problems. Is it easy to use?


New Member
Should get a nice 3-5 gallon pot and plant it in their. U can get a nice clay or plastic one to allow good drainage and control over the water in the soil. Can still use perlite and same soil mix. Also it can be moveable if it absolutely needs to be brought indoors for whatever reason. And u can still keep it in the same grow spot. Its just so much easier with a pot.