Outdoor grow in the UK- 5 plants, 7ft tall in a farmers field.


Hi, I'm based in the UK near Rugby, about 4 months ago I planted 7 seeds from an eight I bought. I planted these in compost on a clay ground and have been watering them wish fresh water from a my kitchen tap 4 days a week. They're about 7ft tall each roughly, some 5ft some 6ft some 7ft.
I've no fucking clue what I'm doing exactly but am hoping this forum can aid me with advice on how to care for these plants and when they are ready to be picked.
I'll update this thread with pictures tomorrow and more information, any advice or links to useful information would be appreciated.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
sounds like you have a nice garden going. this forum and the people here will definitely help you out when you need it! good luck, looking forward to seeing those pictures of your ladies!


Just checked it out and yeah, does seem pretty obvious haha, I should be okay, just seems like an awfully long time that it's taken for the girls to bud yknow?

sounds like you have a nice garden going. this forum and the people here will definitely help you out when you need it! good luck, looking forward to seeing those pictures of your ladies!
Will post them tomorrow night when I walk across several fields to take a few snaps of them, thanks for reading:).



Reckon a week or two and they should be good to pick as the nights are getting longer and what not.
Will post pics in about 3 hours once I go down and check um out.


Well-Known Member
im guessing they wernt there or you forgot your camera this thread was aloooong time ago lol