Outdoor Grow In City!


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the feedback. Just taking it as constructive criticism. It's going to work even if I have to tone down what I wish to accomplish. More knowledgeable and acting on that knowledge. Back to my viewing and reading. It's called dreaming and dreams do come true!!!

Dude u coming in here and thinking u can pull off over 300 plants with no experience in what u are doing is asking for it, you will head down hill real quick... guys here are trying to give u realistic advise take it as u please but just remember u came here for help and the replys u are seeing may be harsh but its all good advice man...Most of us been there and done that and we all have learned from our mistakes..

Its ok to have dreams but make them realistic dreams man.. Start from the bottom and work yourself to the top is the best advice I can give u ...Also u said u been planning this for a few months, but remember this everything always looks better on paper..

If u want knowledge the best place to start is from the basics, read a few grow books like other suggested..Also trial and error is where the real learning comes from ..

Keep it green and play it safe man...the best luck to u and your dreams