Outdoor grow advice. Flowering? Thoughts please


Hey Guys,

Ive been on and off this site for ages. Mainly learning lots from everyone here. Great community.

Done a couple of grows before. Most have been pretty average as Ive either been too lazy or too busy.

Anyway, I put a seed in some soil at the start of summer ( southern Hemisphere ) and have just let nature do its thing over the past 4 months. I thought I would try my luck. ( ive also worked 265 days straight ) My lady has been out growing on the balcony in the weather. Hot and cold, windy lots of the time as I live near the ocean. I wanted her to grow strong in the elements naturally. Ive watered it when its needed it but otherwise its been rained on for about half its required thirst.

Its had at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day and the season is now changing to winter. I have no idea of the strain as we are not so lucky where Im from and only can get seeds when they are in something I buy! Looks like sativa, thats about all I can work out.

Its fairly stretched but looks to be healthy. I have been away for 2 days and came back to notice this ( 1st pic below ) and looks to be beginning to flower.
I have all the gear to do an indoor grow and was wondering if you think I should throw it under lights for the remainder of its life? Or just let it do its thing outside.

Any advice or comments welcome. I plan on doing an indoor grow right after this one is done.

Thanks for readingphoto 1-1.jpgphoto 2-2.jpgphoto 3-1.jpgphoto 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
what gear do you have for growing it indoors? what kind of light, room, fans, etcetera do you have for an indoor grow?

it looks like it might need more sunlight and possibly repotting.


I have 3 x 150 CFL lamps lying around. 27K I think?
A hood for at least One to reflect
6in computer style fan
Grow room is in a 5.5ft x 3.5ft x 3ft closet mostly coveredin Mylar?. Ive air holes at the bottom as inlet and exhaust out the top. ( fan is fixed to the wall ). The plant has been out in lots of wind and is very very strong. I can remount the fan if the plant should have direct contact with a breeze essentially.

Also access to a much bigger pot that should be able to fit in the room. Should I repot it if its about to flower?

Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 x 150 CFL lamps lying around. 27K I think?
A hood for at least One to reflect
6in computer style fan
Grow room is in a 5.5ft x 3.5ft x 3ft closet mostly coveredin Mylar?. Ive air holes at the bottom as inlet and exhaust out the top. ( fan is fixed to the wall ). The plant has been out in lots of wind and is very very strong. I can remount the fan if the plant should have direct contact with a breeze essentially.

Also access to a much bigger pot that should be able to fit in the room. Should I repot it if its about to flower?

Thanks for the reply.
repot it into a bigger pot and the nicest soil you have access to as soon as possible.

are those CFL lamps 150 watt equivalent, of actually 150 watts?

and how tall is that plant? it will double to triple in height as it flowers, especially once you repot it.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I would be a little leery trying to finish an outdoor plant under CFLs, it will have become accustomed to the intensity of sunlight, and even if you get some serious lumens on it indoors it still might not make up for it, especially considering the tremendous drop in UV-B that it will experience. Unless it is going to be really inhospitable for it outdoors, I would let it finish under the same lighting and conditions it has grown under. Just my two cents


Well-Known Member
Its actually a really nice sativa. Without knowing what your climate is its hard to say what to do. Being a sativa it may take a long time (3 months) to finish so again depending on climate you may need to pull it inside. Your plant will suffer though if moved. Also your pot is a bit small but at this stage you may stress it by repotting it. I would leave it if myself, but I'm a newb so you may want to take advice from more experienced container grower. Good luck!


Im in a pretty temperate climate. It will not get cold for another 4 months so finishing it outside will be no problem.

Seems as though I will repot it and leave it outside. I just hope it wont grown to be a monster! Most of my neighbours are old and probably will no know what it is anyway!

Thanks for the help and advice. Ill get onto repotting it really soon.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
And if they DO know what it is, chances are they'll just want to steal a snippet to help with their glaucoma :)


Well-Known Member
my advice is to let it be outdoors for 12 hrs then complete darkness inside for 12 hours. no indoor light can compare to the sun. if you aren't getting 12 hours of sun then supplement with more light inside.


Well-Known Member
If its bag seed from the area and an outdoor strain dont worry about length of daylight, its use to whatever it is IMO.