Outdoor Goes Indoor


Well-Known Member
Ok so going away from my comfort zone I have ventured indoors. This is going to be MY first attempt at growing inside. I have given assistance with a few but never have I been a part of one day in day out. So what I am working with is a 4x4x6.5 grow tent, 600 watt hps, cool tube, 500 cfm inline fan, 6inch carbon filter. Starting in 1 gallon potters then transplanting to 5 gallon buckets. Strains I am working with this run are Sensi Star, Chronic, White Russian, Sweet Afghani Delicious, MK Ultra, Cheese, Vanilla Kush, Violator Kush. And I have a seed that is labeled as OG18xskunk, which I ordered a OGthe18. So either I got fucked and received the wrong seed or its just labeled wrong. If it is the skunk cross, Im not mad (if I get a girl that is). Attitude doesnt sell regulars in singles and that is all there is of OG18xskunk, regular. Hoping for a label mix up or a female og18xskunk. I think I should maybe start something else, just in case of a male. Anyway, I think those are good to start with. I have plenty of others waiting in line. Im just going for mostly indica stuff this time. So lets hope they pop out of the soil. And I will get some pictures up when they do.bongsmilie


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I will probably be topping most of this stuff, thats something else I have never done much of, but if you dont try new things you wont learn anything new either. The breeder description of the Chronic says it does not like to be topped so I will not touch it, other than maybe some LST if height becomes an issue. I am not sure what to do with topping. I know how to do it, but what do I go for 2 or 4 colas? Or more? Any advice would be good. I know the more colas the smaller they get generally but I am more concerned with over all weight, not individual bud weight.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how I forgot to mention, vegging will be done under 3 90 watt ufos. They do good for veg, not for flowering, so the 600w hps is a must. I want to get a 250w mh unit for vegging next time though.


Well-Known Member
When i top to get 2 main colas i usually do it once my clones reach about 8" and snip that very top and within a few days i will notice the growth getting harder and i have usually lucked out... by the time i go to flower some of the lower branches usually reach the canopy as well.. From looking at what your gonna do for your indoor set up it sounds like you will be just fine... sticking with soil i see... I don;t know much about indoors in soil... Everything else sounds good though... just watch your heat in those tents....Good Luck man!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am hoping to vent right from an a/c unit, or at least be pulling my intake air from directly in front of it. And I have to figure out how Im ducting my hot air out of the room. But I have time to figure that out, I plan on vegging for 6 weeks, maybe more or less depending on what the plants look like in a month. If I can keep it around 80 degrees or so I would be happy, less would be better, but Im being realistic. They do fine up to 85 I have seen, just much better in the 75 range.


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None of the girls have stuck their heads out yet, I removed the dirt from over a few and realized I buried them a little too deep so I corrected that mistake. Very carefully. Not a big deal I have done that before and it doesnt bother the seeds none, I just dont touch them, I remove the soil around them to see whats up. I figure probably tomorrow sometime for a few of them, another day or two for a few others. Once the first one pops up Ill have the ufos on for about 6 weeks to save some money on the electric bill. They veg just fine just dont do well with flowering in my experience. After 6 weeks, if they are ready I will switch them to 12/12. Just gotta make it there first. Hoping for nice green, healthy plants. But isnt everyone?


Well-Known Member
Started some more plants, all the others broke soil on the 18th, except the vanilla it broke on the 19th. The cheese never did come up. I dug it up and the seed was just sitting there ungerminated still in the pink coating greenhouse puts on them. I soaked it over night along with the other new ones and it cracked. So hopefully it comes up. The new strains that went into the soil today after cracking were Black Jack from Sweet Seeds, Wembley from Pyramid Seeds, and LSD from Barneys. The LSD seed didnt look so hot from the start, it cracked but in the wrong way, well not the way they usually do, I still have it soaking and will probably put it in the soil tomorrow. I just want to see if I can get the taproot to come out before planting to see if it is a good seed. Rather than planting it and waiting and wondering. I figure I will go with 12 plants in my 4x4x6.5 tent. It might get a little crowded, but the most Ill probably have to do is a lot of trimming underneath and let the canopy fill out nice. Of coarse thats hoping all the plants grow up nice and healthy. Everything looks fine now, but they are just babies. I should have a nice variety of cannabis to smoke at the end of this one. Mostly indica with a few in there that are either half and half or can lean heavy either way, sativa or indica. I will see when they get some size to them where these plants are going to be pheno wise. Please if there is a cannabis god, let my MK Ultra be an indica leaning pheno. Everything else SHOULD be indica dominant but we all know how that can go, other than the Black Jack, which I hope is a good 50/50 mix like it says, I could handle the 10 weeks it would take to finish. I filled in around the stems today like I do every other plant that I grow, let it come up, grow a few days, the thing will look all stretched out, and bury the stem up close to the little round leaves. All that stem will turn to roots. And the plants look better without all that stalk below the cotyledons. I have to charge my batteries for my camera, but I will have some pictures up soon. Not much to see right now, they are just babies in the first week of life.


Well-Known Member
Everything is up. The coletrain is still soaking, last time I checked it hadnt cracked yet. I think Im going to pick up a couple cfls tonight to add to the room. The ufos just dont have enough spread on them, plus the more light the better as long as heat isnt an issue. Temps have been somewhat high at times, but dont go above 84 for the most part. I dont have much of a ventilation system hooked up yet, I dont want to have to hook up my inline fan until its absolutely necessary. I need that for the carbon filter and the cool tube. Its been very hot outside, hopefully by the time its time for the 600 watt to go in the weather will be much cooler outside. I hope to veg for about 6 weeks. Last indoor attempt of mine I switched to 12/12 too early at 3 weeks and everything took a while to even show signs of flower. I checked out some old pics of my veg last time and the ufos did pretty good. I just dont like the spread they have, because it isnt much. So I have them as close as I can to get good light too all the plants. Too high, the light isnt intense enough, too low and all the plants dont get good light. I think for ufos 1 per plant would be optimal if you were going to use them. But I need them to do more, thats why Im going to buy a few cfls as well. Plus I think cfls do better vegging than the ufos do. So a combo should do fine. Preferably like the ufos, I would like to have a 45-65 watt cfl per plant, but thats not possible at the moment for me. And even better, I need to get a 250 or 400 watt mh lamp for veg. More likely the 400. All in time. My system surely isnt perfected yet. This is my first grow in a tent. And first grow that I have been involved with indoors full time. I am watering right now with a spray bottle. I dont want to give them too much water. I keep them misted throughout the day because the humidity is a bit low. They look healthy so Im not worried that Im under watering. They could be growing faster, but thats due to the lights being used I believe. Once they get more established with more leaves out I will start a regular watering schedule , I just try to keep them wet in the beginning not soaking, just damp. At the moment I couldnt tell you what I give them each. I go through about 1 and a half of my spray bottles full every day misting them down. I hit them pretty good in the morning and about mid day. Light schedule is at 18/6. This grow has got to turn out better than the last one. It was an all LED grow for the most part, and they just didnt perform like I was hoping. The 600 watt saved it in the end. Probably tripling the size of most of the buds, at least. Even on the autoflowering plants that were pretty much done at the time came back and exploded with new growth.


Well-Known Member
Coletrain is planted. I added some cfls to the room today, that brought the temps up some, not to mention its baking balls outside so just keeping the room air low is hard enough. I ran a 4 inch like coming from in front of my a/c. Its bringing in cool air. Its better than it was before but I would still like it cooler. In the process of setting up the intake line I knocked over a fan and chopped my og18 seedling in half. Needless to say Im very pissed at myself at the moment. To replace it I picked Sour Kush. I am soaking that seed now. Its a nice fat seed too. I figured I would go with something somewhat similar. 18 is supposed to be a more sour tasting kush, so the next best thing I had to go there was Sour Kush. It was a limited time thing with attitude and DNA. I was going to save it for later on when Im doing clones, but what the hell. If its super dank Ill reveg it after its done. So hopefully it cracks and grows fast because as it is now it will be a little over a week behind everything else. I should be able to veg it a little longer if it needs to when flowering time comes for the others. I will just put it in whats going to be my veg room with some lights and let it go a little longer then throw it in the flowering room with the others, if thats need that is.


Well-Known Member
Gotta get some pictures. I know things are not growing as fast as I would like. I hope to have a 400 watt mh unit for vegging next time.


Well-Known Member
just tuning in. lets get this thread back poppin. beautiful ladies outdoor!!
Never got much interest so I just kept my updates in the Club 600 forum. Almost all of this stuff is down, besides the violator and the coletrain, and the lower stuff I left on some of the plants to fill out some more.