OutDoor find... Need Help


Active Member
uhh u should leave them.. there in pots there obviously somebody elses? fuck off n grow ur own


Well-Known Member
uhh u should leave them.. there in pots there obviously somebody elses? fuck off n grow ur own
wow for once i actually agree with what you have to say.

but yea they clearly belong to someone dude! leave them alone and dont tell anyone you found them or show anyone. have some respects for some growers hard work.

Cudi Zone

uhh u should leave them.. there in pots there obviously somebody elses? fuck off n grow ur own
Thanks I know I Did Good.. How much can i expect to Yeild.. Started them 4/9/10 inside 6/1/10 put outside.. Started Flowering 8/3/10.. and im a dedicated Stoner and am greatfull for my stress bud, helped me threw some downs..... And this is my First time Grow....Had 7 total Killed 3 males before they even got a chance to pollinate... So Chill Guys...