Outdoor experiment. Advice needed


So a little background information.
I only have a couple of grows indoor and out under my belt and this year I wanted to see if coco would be any good outside

Plants are about 10 weeks old. Not sure of the strain either.
Grew from seed about 30 to which I've kept the best 3 females for this.
Started in soil untill week 4 then transplanted into pots of coco and just recently again into these final 60l / 16 gallon pots.
Had some ovewatering problems at the start which I noticed hindered the growth. In coco supposed to water everyday right? Wrong for these they hated it and since switching to every second they are much better.
Worked my way upto the 40ml per 10 litres (not sure on gallon conversion) Using canna coco a and b and some calmag for the 2 in coco and just some basic npk for the one in soil.
Up untill recently I haven't worried about the ph but have noticed a couple of issues. I thought it was a ph issue and found that my solution was closer to 5.0 and since adjusted to 5.8 after flushing.
Also they are under clear plastic when rain is inbound
My questions are
With being such big pots I am chewing through the nutes to get a decent runoff. Does anyone use the recommended dose with this. Could I water with minimal nutes without runoff for a week and the flush with water and repeat?
Had yellowing on new growth and some leaves in random places. Since I've flushed it seems to be better but if someone could tell me what they think it was.
Can I use garden lime to increase ph or do I need the purpose phup from the shop.
Should I bother to check runoff or is just testing the nutes before watering enough

I will keep post updated if people are interested and I'm sure il think of something else


Tomas 69

Good questions! Plants look healthy. Should you get your pH up to 6.3-6.5?
not sure about nite question, curious also about runoff and measurement of mutes. Over water to measure?