Outdoor cloning


Well-Known Member
when I first herd about cloning I cloned my friends plant as a test and got three successful clones.

I'm sure it was luck because I have had a hard time cloning indoors, so I was wondering if any one has experence with out Door cloning and if so plz tell your method (:


Active Member
ya man cloning is simple just cut the clone off dip it in water and rooting solution stick it into peat moss cups or w/e you wanna use put them in a humidfying tent and spray them down with water once a day... they should be rooted within a week


Well-Known Member
i use a humidity dome and rootone and get some good results in door but i was wondering about outdoor because i did it only once but got a 100% success out of three colnes.


Active Member
did you figure anything out? I have 2 wk old rooted clones and want to take them outside, hang them in a tree....just hoping for some helpful advise.....

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
I have tried dipping them in root hormone and putting them in peat pellets, it worked but took a long time. The best method that has worked for me is to dip the stem in root hormone and the place in a pot full of very fine vermiculite and drench in water, have the pots sitting in a pool of water, under basic florencent lights. I have found this method works quicker than any other way.


Active Member
i have grate exsperince with cloning outdoors....theirs three ways.....taking clones from indoor mothers and putting them outdoor...Taking clones from the outdoor plants and putting them inside with the HID lights...or clone outdoor and put outdoor clones out door....now wen the plants are in 6 week of VEG stage take alot of cuttings and use rooting hormone and when they grow up use nutrients and fertalizer for it to get big....The clones wont grow as big as the mothers because their late in the growing cycle...But you can grow some Extra small nugs witch can give you another ounce from the clones....But the mother out door 1 plant is an ounce or 500-600 gr....But clones you need 5 plant clones for an ounce or close to 490-500 gr.........But if YOu want alot of bud from outdoors you have to do that....SOme times in the northern regen like america New york or near their the sun is not that strong for clones to fulley grow like the mother did...But if your a summer grower you only have so long to grow your bud so you have to get as much as you can get from it to last winter....