Outdoor Californian Dream Fem n Lowriders



Hi Guys,

Firstly, this is my first grow n I thought I'd let you guys in on the fun!
I got some Low Ryder 1 and 2 in there and the rest are all Californian Dream Feminized (CD's).
Let me know what you guys think. Pic's taken about a week ago, been a week of sun since then, so should have more pic's soon of much bigger CD's & closer L1 & 2's. So far no real probs - fingers crossed!

Secondly, these CD's - has anybody grown these, smoked these before as there is very little info on them.

Any info/coments wud be great. Thanks


Active Member
Hi Guys,

Firstly, this is my first grow n I thought I'd let you guys in on the fun!
I got some Low Ryder 1 and 2 in there and the rest are all Californian Dream Feminized (CD's).
Let me know what you guys think. Pic's taken about a week ago, been a week of sun since then, so should have more pic's soon of much bigger CD's & closer L1 & 2's. So far no real probs - fingers crossed!

Secondly, these CD's - has anybody grown these, smoked these before as there is very little info on them.

Any info/coments wud be great. Thanks
No info to give you, but those are nice looking plants!



Cheers Country Farmer.

There all still looking great. Took some pictures today. Have had one whole week of sunshine and temps in the 20's (*c). The Lowryders have stopped growing and are filling out really well. Will give them some tea tomorrow. (Guano & BioBloom)

Have an interesting question - these CD's are looking good and should continue to do so right into flowering, only problem for me here in Ireland is the very end of Sept/early October may not have very favourable weather. Is there anything I can be doing now to reduce mold, ie cropping, topping, to make sure there are no really heavy cola's which will get mouldy quickly?
Have already topped most of the CD's as you'll see from the pic's.
Any advice would be great. Thanks.

(Still looking for any info on the Californian Dream strain.....???)



Just an update on the grow - all pic's taken today. (Except the green garage spotted on the west coast last week - good too see it even though it was'nt well hidden!!)

Have had so much wet and humid weather lately, (Bloody Irish weather!) but all the Lowryders are now all jared up! There was a few small patches of mold on them, which wories me for when the CD's start to flower and fill out.
One of the branches of the largest CD has fallen and the damaged area has mold, see pic. Can I use something to kill the mold or should I remove this plant? Cheers

(Still looking for any info on the Californian Dream strain.....???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hi Guys, will hopefully see some hairs soon on my outdoor babies. Re above pictures, on of my buddies, took one of the CD's off me at about a 1ft tall and changed it to 12/12 inside after a few weeks veg'n, its almost at its 8th week of flowering and looks great. Those buds are totally solid and they stink! Fingers crossed my outdoor plants can reach this stage. (Will visit my site again for more update & pic's this weeknd.)
Again mould will be a problem, any advice on that matter would be great??


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Update!!!!! Though these pics look great, a number of the plants have suffered from the lack of sun and over damp Irish weather. However a number of colas are looking sweet and one tree 6ft plus, shown above is looking 100%. Will cover the better colas and plants tomorrow and hope it doesnt get too cold or wet in the next 3 weeks. Fingers crossed. Nice purple buds please mother nature!! Will get some more close ups after the last 4 sunny days we#ve just had....