outdoor bug prevention


Active Member
i was just wondering what is the best way to prevent bugs before you plant outdoors

any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Build four walls around your grow area and put a roof on top, LOL. Seriously, there's not a hell of a lot you can do about bugs outside. I'd try multiple techniques hoping to head-off the problem from several angles. Keep your plants sprayed down with Einstein Oil. Get a non-poisonous, multi-species insect control spray (I use "Zero Tolerance" and it works great), and maybe even get a bug zapper out by your grow area.

To keep deer, woodchucks, and other four-legged pests out of your garden, you can use bobcat piss which can be found at most hunting-centric sporting goods stores. For added measure, I always piss in a big circle around my outdoor garden.


Well-Known Member
neem oil, and prevention... there are a lot of products on the market , and some home remedy's too... You just have to be very aware


Well-Known Member
I've heard that before. My only concern with using coffee grounds is the potential for it to increase the acidity of the soil. Coffee grounds are relatively acidic and if you fail to properly buffer the soil with some limestone, you could have a problem.


Active Member

I have found it greatly cuts back on not only insect problems but on insect problems attacking you ... to just go out and spray a lawn insect killer (mosquitoes, fleas, ticks ..that sort) and spray it on heavy about 2 weeks before you transplant and it'll help a lot.

during grasshopper season which they get pretty thick around here the last month of summer and can do serious if not fatal damage in a short amount of time ... that almost nothing will keep them off your plants except I've had success with a combination of a red pepper and water solution misted on then powder them with sevin dust ... the other choice which i usually go with when I grow the plants along the ground is I just take screen door, screen window type screen and cover the plant. I'll try to get a picture of some I have this year that were started so late that I didn't really bother to grow them along the ground but I did end up bending them over a bit and then covered them with screen.

I think the heavy dose of lawn pest spray probably protects the plant from insects coming up through the soil because that has never been a problem.

I need to go get another bud and I'll take a pic and try to remember where to return to show you.


Active Member
i was thinking of using the seven dust cuz it seemed to work fine on my tomatoes.. the soap for foliar feeding sounds good to