Outdoor Automatic Grow(GreenOmatic & Auto Blueberry)


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are going to be very happy and stoned..nice plants plus rep...happy growing


thanks! here's a photo taken with my roommates fancy new phone. i'll make sure to get a set with this camera tommorow.

2010-07-22 14.48.28.jpg


Plants are enjoying the sun today. Looking healthy. Bubba and The Church are getting bigger daily, the OG is getting bushier. Moved 6 707Headband clones over with my other plants since they have roots showing out of the bottom of the 1 gallon pots i put em in the other day. I plan on keeping the strongest ones and just tossing the crap. I'll pick out a few more the begging of next week and thats the final selection. In a few weeks I'll transplant them to their final 3 gallon containers, going to use some myco for flowering also to see what kind of results i can get, also, gotta grab some new nutes, thinking another round of the fox farms but really interested in trying Sensi A&B, and then the fox farms additives since i have a ton of them left. We'll see. Photos later.


roomie of early today so new photos this evening for sure, i took some this morning but the lighting wasnt too great. they are getting larger everyday.


the purplish one in the photos is an automatic blueberry, although, alot of my green o matics are showing purple now. it gets into the 50s here every night.


been doing a daily check of the ladies, only found 1 amber trich. so maybe a week or so....damn, the weather's terrible here today also. moved to clones to the new indoor setup. 4x8 w/ 1k HPS, but all my plants fit right under it, i'll add a second light when i get the moolah to do so. indoor i have 15 headband clones, 1 church from seed thats been vegging for a month+ and 1 Bubba Kush from seed thats been vegging also for over a month, both are about 19 inches tall. the headband clones have been veggin for about 2 weeks and aren't more than 8 inches or so. indoor nutes for this next run will be a combo of Sensi A/B and all the fox farm additives. when i add more plants to the tent i will be fertilizing those with sensi a/b and bloombastic only.


Active Member
what's good man, 2 gallon pots are honestly waayy to small but the plants are lookin good either way. I am also growing a church this year and did some major LST on it, This picture is about a month or so old. Pentagram.jpgPentagram side.jpg it looks pretty awesome like that but I fucked up big time by pruning all that bottom growth too early.


2 gallon pots are hardly too small. 1 gal per month of growth x 2 month's of growth = 2 gallons. admittedly the church and bubba are also in 2 gal pots but they were meant to stay small since they are inside now with my headband clones.


the plants have not been cut down yet. coming up on officially 90 days and they arrent ready whatsoever. trichs are still clear/barely milky. i am surely disappointed with the performance of these beans outdoors, but then again, this is the coldest summer i have experienced in my 27 years living here. i dont know if they are going to make it, mold is becoming an issue due to the super high humidity(fog and drizzle almost every morning). bugs are starting to move in also, i noticed aphids on some of my non mj plants, threw em out, but still worried. i have a second non journaled indoor grow going on also, so my outdoor harvest has become meaningless to me, but i will still throw pictures up once they come down.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
yeah 2 gallons is perfect for autos thats plenty of root space, i pulled 30grams each from autos in 5 litre pots last time, im using 9 litres / 2 gallon this time round though, using anything bigger would be a waste of soil and space.