Outdoor AutoFlower 5 Gallon Container 'Auto Kush' and 1 'Auto Northern lights'

Hey my phone broke the day before I transplanted and I used that for my camera, I will have to use someone else's phone and get some photos taken of them they are taking off in the 5 gallon buckets. Their roots literally filled the entire container they where in when I moved them over which would be the containers they are in above in those pictures, and started to wrap around the bottom. It was a very solid root ball very healthy plants no dirt even fell off it the soil was all kept together with roots. Sorry i could not take a picture but soon I will update them and what they look like when I get a hold of a camera. I transplanted all my tomato plants into 5 gallons to Ill show everyone those to when i get a camera cause it looks legit first time I did a mass container grow outdoors I am experimenting in 5 gallon buckets. I have quite the garden filling out!
I used to love to experiment, autos make that more difficult. For instance, if I had three photo clones, transplanting one at 3 weeks, one at 4 and one at 5 weeks, I could get some idea of how letting the roots fill out more before up-potting them might either hurt or help. With autos I start from seeds, and for instance in this run I have two Double Grapes, one is about 2 feet tall right now, the other is around 3.5 feet tall -- with all things being equal -- so there is no starting point for comparisons when the phenotypes are so diverse before you even add variables.

It sounds like you waited longer than I would have to transplant, but the plants looked good so it seems to have worked out for you.
I used to love to experiment, autos make that more difficult. For instance, if I had three photo clones, transplanting one at 3 weeks, one at 4 and one at 5 weeks, I could get some idea of how letting the roots fill out more before up-potting them might either hurt or help. With autos I start from seeds, and for instance in this run I have two Double Grapes, one is about 2 feet tall right now, the other is around 3.5 feet tall -- with all things being equal -- so there is no starting point for comparisons when the phenotypes are so diverse before you even add variables.

It sounds like you waited longer than I would have to transplant, but the plants looked good so it seems to have worked out for you.
I waited longer the I usually would for sure I like to try and transplant as close as possible to when they start to circle the bottom so it doesn't get a chance to get root bound and keeps growing without much disruption in the new bigger pot. This year I planted late transplanted late so far the them is doing everything late see how that works out for me lol
Hey grow Fam

The plants are loving the 5 gallons and just growing away they were focusing on producing new roots for a few days I think they slowed down growth and probably a little transplant shock even though I did it very very smoothly!

I am going to take pics in 2 days(today is Thursday taking pics Saturday) and give you guys a visual update on these girls they are not the biggestt plants thats for sure but they are very healthy happy looking plants
they look happy today im going to give them a good feeding next time i water them I added some more fish compost to the top layer today a good inch or so but they will need more I think
From the day I took this picture on the weekend to today it has been overcast/chilly and literally the week before it was 30 degrees full sun everyday to the point I moved them one day down into a little shade for a few hours. Gotta love growing in northern Ontario! Im not worried this is just a first auto flower outdooors kinda playing with it grow. Just shows that next year when I am taking it seriously and will have 4 massive plants they will need to be inside a greenhouse!
Sorry everyone I have been sooo busy but I will take pictures this week I promise!

They are doing great one is well into flowering while the other has just begun to show pistils and beggining its flower cycle anytime now.
Hey Update Sept 2nd! They are doing amazing the one plant that started flowering early I harvested yesterday. It is DANK and full of trichs not bad for an auto in my opinion. I did not expect this quality from auto's not going to lie secretly I had this assumption auto flowers just did not produce the quality of bud I am looking for but I think I just proved myself wrong....I mean I have to dry and cure it and then test it out before I can really tell but just from a ton of experience with photoperiod these flowers look decent. The other plant is probably 2 weeks into flower so 6 more to go it will be done mid october and I dont think the weather here will let that happen. Its aleayd getting cold at night and early mornings using the environent to grow here in northern ontario just wont work for photoperiod plants the season is way to short! Like they get like a month of legit veg sunlight when it finally is here which is not at the begginging of summer as youd expect then transitions real quick to a flowering enviornment cloe to 12/12 light and stays warm for maybe another month if your lucky then its pretty much to cold at night and morning to grow which ends up being right about now today is Sept 2 and its 8 degrees last night and this morning and my plants literally need 6-7 more weeks to finish lmaooo

Well Light Deprivation/Green house/ Indoor growing seems to remain my only option......... so much for pure sungrown cannabis that you can plant right in the ground and let the sun do the rest wont happen where I live.....Unless I somehow time and perfect these autoflower strains but even then I would need way more plants as they dont produce the same quantity as my 4 foot vegged plant that I flipped into flower and ends up being 8 ft tall and producing like a champ