outdoor and polytunnel IRELAND


Hi there was wondering wht ppl think are the best strains for IRELAND possibly polytunnel and a few outside.I grew Hollands hope this year with poor results.Hardened off in greenhouse from mid april.Planted outdoors in early May we had brilliant weather,used biobizz root juice ,grow and bloom including top max.10litre pots.Biobizz light mix soil.had to harvest in late october due to frost and they were no way near ready.really rubbish results.Tried sensi seeds skunk a few years back bu agian not brilliant.what am i doing wrong plz help!!


Active Member
why dont you grow indoors, irelands cold as fuck aint it, buy some cfls they save energy, but i dont reccommmed growing out doors in IRELAND


Active Member
them polytunnels look good m8 i think im gonna do some autos in them this year it should be sweet done the whole 12 and 12 outdoor in ireland and just gonna do autos this year i think its gonna save a lot of hassle.

i can vouch for quality outdoor weed tho 2 rights m8 go for it


Well-Known Member
holland hope is good grower but poor smoke. Get a frost resistant strain, start indoors under fluros to about 2 feet then put them out. The sun is weak there but it can be done if u veg them up inside first then plant in middle of summer.