Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants


wow i have to see how this turns out, how do i subscribe to it like others have so i dont forget where it was?


Well-Known Member
Bought some Ladybugs today. Have not seen many bugs yet but there always good to have around. It was like $8 for 1500 in a pack.

Well these are still chugging along. Still getting some stretch. The plant on the right is now 9 1/2 feet tall.

And this one is just a hog. Also I hear some strange jumping sounds yesterday. So look over the fence and see kids {young) jumping on there brand new trampoline? Just great. Thats all I need while growing a 9 foot plant. Notice the Trampoline in the pics?



Well-Known Member
Looks great. I am sure you know but those are going to stretch a lot more before harvest. You will probably have to extend that fence some more to keep those little bouncers eyes off your crop.


Well-Known Member
Well today she is back at the top of the fence on the fence. She will not stop. Look at the growth in the last three days. This plant is amazing on what shs e is doing.

The plant on the far left is getting really big. Look how fat she is in the last pic. I love it. She should produce a good amount. Just think what size she would be with no crowding? Dam...



any idea of what your harvest date will be? i am really curious what you get from a garden like that!


Well-Known Member
Not to derail your thread away from the topic, but what kind of sunflowers are you growing in the background? They're huge.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. That trampoline seems to be a problem. Friendly with the neighbors? Just tell them you have a pet skunk.;-):cool:
The neighbor is my cousin. He has only young kids. He has not said anything to me yet. He used to smoke in his teens. Problem is he has hot tub party and things like that. He is a total nerd now so who knows. I know he would ask me about them if you knew. I think!

The sunflowers arev a secret that I will notm give up. It has been a life time of work. LOL

There are momouth <--- spelling? They have even bigger ones now called Russian Giants. 15 feet tall with 24 inch flowers. Next year I will grow them if sunflowers give me no problems with bugs. Also next year I will be sealed in from any view from any place. bamboo and Arborvidas. I really do hate sweating over my plants 24/7 Sleeping in the tent is no fun too. And they say outdoor growers just have to water the plants....


Well-Known Member
Here a shot for size.

And this is my baby. She is bigger than she looks. It's bushy like this on the other side to. I wonder what she would look like if not tied down. She had 3 huge main stems that would of been nice. All 3 main stems are tied like as small S. There is about 300 feet of string inside the plant. Tomorrow she will be tied down again. she is right at the top again.
I ordered 15 Arborvida trees today. They are about 10 feet tall and are in hug sacks. I will place these around some to camo my plant some more. Then in the fall I will plant them along the fence line. where the plant on the fence is now I will be planting a huge Bamboo bush. It will block that window from above me cousins garage. He want to rent that out next year some time.
