Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants


Well-Known Member
Bored today so I thought I would do a fast update.
Here is a shot where was squating to get under the cover. There moving along nice now.

This girl has got to stop growing taller soon. I have to move the carport up again. No biggie I just took some blocks from the wall on the side of my house.

Growing thru the netting again.

Here is some shots of the paooted plants and the flowers. this buds are looking really white and frosty.

It is hard to get a good pic of this plant. But she is 10 feet tall and 8.5 feet wide. Notice the trash can and how she growing into my roof.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic on 8-24-09 when I tied over the 4 main tops on the tall plant. She would be another foot tall if not tied over at that time. And I thought she was done then.



Active Member
dude, you are the man! what are you feeding those things?? LOL
seriously tho, nice job. You are going to have enough bud to fill a pick up truck bed. I'm Jone's-ing big time!


Well-Known Member
^^ this ^^

your neighbors must be jealous as all hell, that dank small wafting threw there house every high noon.
He'll have more than plenty to keep the neighbors quiet and his plants safe! With that kinda weight you can be generous for protection.


hey my plant is about 2 weeks into flowering and im using an outdoor setup, how long will it take to completly budd? (Its a sativa)


Well-Known Member
D00d you really need to stop making us jealous!!! haha that shit is crazy i really can't wait for harvest i feel like i waiting for my wife to have our baby!!!! COME ON ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO GET ON WITH MY LIFE!!!!! hahaha