(Outdoor, 1st ever grow) Northernberry


Well-Known Member
is it possible I killed it by flipping it over when I saw the taproot growing up instead of down? I only handled it by the seed, and very cautiously - but I've heard it's best to leave everything young/fragile alone.

I'm going to see if it grows or stands back up any time in the next few days, it's very similar in color to the one that's standing up.


Well-Known Member
and now there seems to be a strange twist... the limp/sideways sprout has shed it's shell, but perhaps not in a good way as there's no visible cotyledon leafs (just a dry white blob-type-thing...)

the standing one in comparison, still has it's shell and has 2 obviously green cotyledon leafs that have been slowly separating all morning. I really think this limp one is dead but if it is I'd really like to know how I killed it.


Well-Known Member
the healthy one? I'm sure it will... it's the one that's already bursted that I think is dead!

the seed shell has fallen off but the thing is totally flaccid (lol) and losing it's green color by the hour... not to mention the cotyledon looks like it will wither away before it spreads open!


Well-Known Member
I'll give it till tomorrow morning just to be safe haha... I'm not the most eager grave-digger and would rather let my denial give me another 16 hours of hope! :roll:

even if it's time has come, there are more so it's no big deal - just wanna hope for the best with every one of them!


Well-Known Member
a 3rd of the 4 planted seeds has now begun to pop out of the dirt. I'm pretty sure the limp/white one is dead, and I'm going to let seed #5 spend some more time in the moist paper towel to get a longer taproot before I plant her.

The first to sprout is still doing great, and has spread its cotyledons quite widely, and has almost taken off her hat! she's grown from about 0.5cm this morning to 1.5cm right now and with a stem about the thickness of the original seed. I'll call her sprout #1 for the time being, once I have a little more maturity in these specimens I may give them actual names... and sprout #2 shall be the one I'm presuming dead but still giving a chance; and sprout #3 may as well be the one that just poked through the soil this afternoon.

I know as seedlings they do a lot of growing below the soil - is this mainly after the first true leaves appear or straight from the get-go?

thanks again guys I really appreciate the information I'm getting here!


Well-Known Member
I'll try n talk a friend into loaning me his digital camera! I'm kind of strapped for cash right now so it's basically all going towards necessities. I do have a camera but it's not digi, and something tells me getting pictures of pot developed @ london drugs isn't the best idea haha

I know it's a lot harder both to help me and to learn anything without a visual, I'll see what I can do.


Well-Known Member
my god, #2 is returning to life I think! I propped it up a little bit with some dirt and gave it a bit of water... right now it's beginning to lift its own head and it's rapidly becoming more green! still looks dry despite having constantly been in moist (not drenched) soil... but perking it's own head up and returning to green is astonishing from what it looked like earlier today - it's still in pathetic shape but at least I know it's alive!


Well-Known Member
my god, #2 is returning to life I think! I propped it up a little bit with some dirt and gave it a bit of water... right now it's beginning to lift its own head and it's rapidly becoming more green! still looks dry despite having constantly been in moist (not drenched) soil... but perking it's own head up and returning to green is astonishing from what it looked like earlier today - it's still in pathetic shape but at least I know it's alive!
Who knows, eh?!
It just might live, stranger things have happened.
Good Luck!:peace::weed:


Well-Known Member
day 5:
-#1 is about 3.5-4cm tall now, and hasn't lost her 'hat' yet and hasn't fully opened up
-#3 is only about 0.5cm tall but has lost her hat, spread open her cotyledons, and has 1 tiny set of true leaves!
-seed #5 was just put in dirt. Its tail was much longer than the others were when planted.

oh and #2 is in rough shape but still showing signs of life, and I'm still waiting for #4 to emerge.


Well-Known Member
while #1 just keeps getting taller, #2 has made a full recovery and is standing up with nice green cotyledons wide open and a pair of trueleaves starting. #3 is gaining a little bit of height and I'm still waiting for #4 & #5 to come out of the ground... #4 sure is taking her time, but she may be struggling because I put her in dirt very early in germination and her taproot was tiny.

I know patience is important so I'm just going to let #1 & #4 do their things while I wait for one of them to come up and the other (who was the 1st to come up of all of them) to finally shed that shell. I must say, the recovery I've just witnessed in #2 was very encouraging... if they can come back from that I can't imagine one dieing at all!


Well-Known Member
day 6:
#1 has finally opened up, and shown the growing first true-leaf set that she's been hiding while her cotyledons were still pressed together and the shell still partially attached. #1, #2 and #3 all have about the same size of cotyledons and true leaves so they're pretty much all alike except for #1 being very um stretchy? (several times the height of the others but maturing in other aspects at the same speed)

still waiting for #4 & #5 to show... :peace:


Well-Known Member
After #2's recovery, all 3 of the original seedlings have done very little other than #2 & #3 catching up to #1 in vertical growth to the point they're all within the 4-6cm range... they didn't do much in the first 5 days I didn't update the journal

day #14:
- #4 is presumed dead, I guess it never properly rooted because there's no sprout to be seen yet.
- #5 is coming up but doing so slowly. It was planted over half an inch below the soils surface and I can now see it beginning to come out (about half the seed-shell is sticking up from the dirt)
- 1,2,3 missed watering on day 12 which may have been why they look pretty bad right now but I'm not sure. #2 & #3 totally fell over, and #1 was leaning over heavily. All 3 had half-brown cotyledons and their true leaves are very very droopy. #1s leaves are very bright green and 2/3's are still dark green (but very very droopy... as in vertical). I found them like this on day 13 (yesterday) and gave them a good watering, as far as I can tell they're the same today as yesterday.

I'm thinking the trouble is either under-watering or over-feeding. I haven't given them any nutes since they're still young and should get what they need from the seed, but at the same time I don't even know what I've got them planted in (I took some dark fluffy soil from a parking lots diver-garden... don't ask!). You guys think it's more likely do be under-watering or something else?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, the plants are looking the same... the cotyledons are mostly pale brown with beige/yellow areas and the other leaves are just hanging straight downwards (but still green, lol) - and noticeable growth has stopped since day 13 or so

I was under the impression that under-watered plants make a quick recovery if their water supply was quickly replenished, is this wrong? If that's the case, I've done something else to them because they're not even budging towards recovery as it is right now... I'm definitely encouraged by what #2 went through (which was much worse than this) but I'd really like to know how to help them :(

- under-lighting
- under-watering
- ...overwatering??
- nute burn

Would any of the above cause seedlings these kinds of symptoms? I don't want to germ any more until I at least know what went wrong with these ones



Well-Known Member
they shouldnt have any nute probs or what ev,they got enough nutes from the soil to make them be happy and gay.yo remember bout my bonsai well check this bitch out.i removed the white bag that tied down,and stuff like 3 hr ago,but theis pisc like 5hr gao.ill thro more pics in a week or so of the bonsai.


Well-Known Member
2months,white widow skunk(white widow x northern lights x skunk)
goin for max yeild wit one plant instead of a shitload of plants.

if im lucky ill get little under a pound of dry