Out of town for 4 days - What should I do?


Hey guys,

I'm heading out of town for 4 days this thursday. I currently have 6 small plants in dirt, and a freshly built drip system, but not tested (diy). What would be the best way to have them? Lights are on a timer, and i'm growing the Original Low Rider strain.

Should I do a water spike kind of thing, or should I temp transfering to a hydro setup?

Quick help is appreciated, If hydro is the way to go it will take me a few hours to complete the setup tonight and wash the roots and stuff.

FYI: I had to transplant them (dirt to dirt) on friday, because I had (at the time) 8 plants in 3 pots, I disposed of the 3 smallest and later bloomers. I would say 3 for sure are properly established in the new dirt (3x growth in 80 hours).



That's kinda what I'm thinking.. Where do I go and get these spikes? Or can I make them?

I'm probably going to transfer to Hydro on Monday/Tuesday. That should of given them enough time to toughen up for now.


Active Member
i have yet to see someone successfully go from soil to hydro without the plants suffering severely for it. if youve done it before with success i would LOVE to hear your method. now hydro to soil i generaly see a lag of about 1-2 weeks and the plants perk up and thrive.
now as for leaving for four days, transfer them over to larger pots and give a full soaking, the girls should be fine for four days if they are small.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
i have yet to see someone successfully go from soil to hydro without the plants suffering severely for it. if youve done it before with success i would LOVE to hear your method. now hydro to soil i generaly see a lag of about 1-2 weeks and the plants perk up and thrive.
now as for leaving for four days, transfer them over to larger pots and give a full soaking, the girls should be fine for four days if they are small.
I'm with Faldikar. I transfered 3 plants from soil to DWC, big mistake. All went into shock, none fully recovered, and one stayed a runt.

I think you can get watering balls at WallyWorld, or any garden store.


Active Member
also adding perlite or another water holding medium into your soil mix will help to retain the water you need as well