Out door - One plant keeps going droopy


Well-Known Member
Anyone know why this one plant keeps going droopy?
Just this one plant. All the others are fine.
This one plant constantly wants more water than all the others and I don't know why.
The last plant in the video.

Because it wants more water! Not one weed is the same my friend some just eat more I have the same problem.

If the whole leaf including stem is dropping and week = underwater

If just the leaf is dropping = overwater
I'm pretty sure it just wants more water because every time it droops I just water it and it springs back pretty quickly.
I was hoping someone on here was going to tell me there was something I could give it to help it not need to be watered so much.
The only two options would be watering more gallons rather then so frequent? Or put hay or multch down to stop evap... At the end of the day they need to eat it’s prolly hot where U are isn’t it?
I know they need more water in flower, and during the hot summer months.
So it is about that time now. i just hate seeing this one plant drooping and needing special care.
I don't even know how much water I'm giving them. I just use the hose and go till there is enough water till it pools at the top and seeps in.
When I feed nutes each plant gets 2 gallons. They are in 15 gallon smart pots.
Next year to be safe put them in a bigger pot could be that pheno is a heavy rooter... I usually use atleast 25gs outdoor
It helped that the roots grew right through the bottom of the smart pots and made substantial root growth
in the flowerbed below the pots that had a decent amount of good soil from previous grows.
I hoped the same thing would happen this year but this year they are in the middle of the yard and the dirt underneath
is like hard clay. I don't think the roots are growing under the pots this year. And all the run off is causing weeds to pop up all around the bottom/sides
of my pots. I should have used weed block or something.
I know it sucks I have one that’s doing the same
Back in 2014 I grew ten foot trees in ten gallon pots using the full Foxfarm line.

Aha same but back then it wasn’t nearly as hot as now atleast were im at. I remeber feeding every 3 days.. Regular pots hold water a lot longer then fabric that’s forsure
That year I also used cedar mulch. I had this idea that moths hate cedar. And its moths that lay eggs that turn into those
damn caterpillars that eat plants. I thought the mulch might help Vs the worms. But it didn't really make much of a difference.
I actually haven't seen many worms yet this year. And only sprayed twice so far.
It makes me really sad that I don't have any pics or video of my ten foot plants.
I got arrested in 2015 and the cops were going through my computer.
So I deleted almost everything that I had.
This was for an unrelated crime though but still.
I was actually growing at the time I got arrested and they didn't even really care about that.
They cracked off some pop shots and one liners just to harass me about my plants but no charges for the grow.
That same year I had one plant Blueberry something or other that when it was growing it had bright pink pistils and smelled like fruit.
Once it was harvested and dried the hairs just looked like regular brownish orange hairs and the buds didn't smell of fruit anymore.