Out door grow first time what kind of yield ?


Active Member
with 15 plants growing out side being fed nutes how much can i maybe expect to yeild ?all plants are at least 4 feet some maybe taller then 6 feet ? i know theirs a lot involved that determines how much but just a rough guess ?


Well-Known Member
with 15 plants growing out side being fed nutes how much can i maybe expect to yeild ?all plants are at least 4 feet some maybe taller then 6 feet ? i know theirs a lot involved that determines how much but just a rough guess ?
You have broken the worst rule on this site...You expect us to answer an impossible question for you because you are so infatuated with growing your crop that you feel you need to know what you are getting for your efforts right now.....Get in line dude and don't ask this question again.....I have been growing since 1975 and I still wait like a child a Christmas for harvest....:leaf:be patient, I promise you will have an answer in 60 days or less


Well-Known Member
Genral rule of thumb is 1oz a gal (pot size). Although I really hope to be getting more than that


Well-Known Member
Genral rule of thumb is 1oz a gal (pot size). Although I really hope to be getting more than that
and you base that theory on what? dixie cups can yield oz's and a poorly taken care of plant can be in a 40 gl pot and only give an oz or 2.....look at fdd2blk's grows to see what a dixie cup can do


Active Member
thanks for the good responds hope to hear more though ill put pictures up to give a better idea of what might be possible


Well-Known Member
Very niiiiiice.... Still to hard to say about yield. It's just a guessing game at this point and when growing outdoors anything can happen. I always low-ball my yields and I'm never disappointed.


Active Member
wow im hearing pounds probably best thing ive heard in awhile haha it know it may not be that but happy to hear some people think it could possibly be that