Our Plants Seem to be in Shock, What Can We Do?

:?We have been growing for a few months now but recently move (rearanged) our closet grow set up. It has been almost a month now but our veg plants haven't done anything they r pretty much the same size they were a month ago! Is there anything we can do to bring them out of this shock like stage their in? Any advise would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
What are you running set up wise? Lighting, nutes, etc.

If it is stress related, perhaps some Superthrive to help them relax. Possible nute deficiency causing stunting, or possible you shocked them to much. Clone, grow the clone until healthy and clone the clone as your new mom. Perhaps you need a fresh start.


bud bootlegger
it sounds kind of odd to me that a simple re arrange of the grow space would make the plants stop growing to me.. sounds like something else is going on with them to me.. but we'd need more data to help diagnose this for you some more.. what all was involved in the rearrangement of the grow space?? what else has been going on in there, temps, humidity, lights, nutes, medium, the more details you can provide us, the better we will be able to help you out...
We are running bubbler, with botanicare, & superthrive, 25o mh, & well venalated cabinet. Well rooted clones from rapidroot tray, when put in 6in neted baskets they stopped growing. We run around 600ppm with ro water & we sheild them with milk jugs from hids


Active Member
i think sparkafire answered ur question. it might have been enough when they were young, but now they need all the lumen they can get, and 250 mh aint much.