Our occult loving World leaders


Well-Known Member
For those of you who don't know about the Bohemian Club in the Sonoma County, California Redwood Forrest...

Only the elite of the elite are members of th Bohemian Club (or "Bohemian Grove" as it is also referred to)

Here the Worlds' elite engage in an ancient Babalonian ritual called "the Cremation of Care".

In this ritual they do mock human sacrifices and worship the Owl God "Molech". Who is mentioned a few times in the book of Leviticus of the Holy Bible. The ancient Israelites worshiped Molech and burned their own children as a sacrifice to Molech. This is the ritual they practice.

I'm not making this stuff up folks ...check it out for yourself. YouTube - Alex Jones - Secrets in Bohemian Grove


Well-Known Member
Yeah I heard about this, I also read in Playboy that Sasha Shilgin suplies them with some premo LSD,never heard bout burning babies though...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I heard about this, I also read in Playboy that Sasha Shilgin suplies them with some premo LSD,never heard bout burning babies though...
Well the burning babies is simulated of course, but how do feel knowing that President Bush Sr. an Jr. are members and have participated in this.?


Well-Known Member
true true...Oh also, the owl god Molech is on the dollar bill, the man who dwer it was a grove memeber. It's n the top right corner in the scoop around the number one. It's really small. Also the streets in Washington DC around the Capital building, at an areal view, is in the shape of the owl.


Well-Known Member
true true...Oh also, the owl god Molech is on the dollar bill, the man who dwer it was a grove memeber. It's n the top right corner in the scoop around the number one. It's really small. Also the streets in Washington DC around the Capital building, at an areal view, is in the shape of the owl.
Are the streets in DC shaped like an owl or a pentagram? Are the world leaders worshipping an owl, Molech, or Satan? Are they humans or reptilians? The conspiracy theories about these things are never coherent.


Well-Known Member
Are the streets in DC shaped like an owl or a pentagram? Are the world leaders worshipping an owl, Molech, or Satan? Are they humans or reptilians? The conspiracy theories about these things are never coherent.
The streets are shaped in BOTH a pentagram and Molech. I do not fully know wheather they worship their God Molech or Lucifer directly. But I'm convinced of one thing, it's not the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.


New Member
Wouldn't surprise me if they were the followers of the Anti-Christ. they've definently been doing the devils work.


Well-Known Member
The streets are shaped in BOTH a pentagram and Molech. I do not fully know wheather they worship their God Molech or Lucifer directly. But I'm convinced of one thing, it's not the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
Can you provide an aerial picture outlining Molech, or something similar?