Our inside grow.. advice/ help?? please!!


Active Member
hey guys.. this is our first grow.. we have 3 plants from bagseed. they were growing outdoors but we just moved them inside under 2 26watt cfls.. about 2 inches from the plants.. we are working on adding at least 2 more 26 watt cfls. they are in veg and we are doing 18/6. we water them once a day.. being careful not to overwater them ;-). they are making great progress since we have brought them from outside and put them under the cfls. for flowering we plan on using 2 150watt hps. is that sufficient or do we need more? we have miracle grow moisture control ( yes i know this is not good.. next time we will start with our own mix). we are using osmocote smart-release plant food.. nutes are 19-6-12. any suggestions on something better for next time? also we have some pics of our tallest plant ( hopefully to be a girl!!) but there are some white tips/hair things coming in and wondering if anyone can tell us anything from looking at them! again this is our first grow we are learning a lot and experimenting with many things.. any help/advice is much appreciated!!

thanks in advance!!! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Those look like hairs to me. Are they coming out from the nodes? That's a bit early for 18/6 as well...get more pics. How old are they?

Be careful and watch out for bugs. If those plants were outside there's a chance you could be infested, but lets hope not.

150 watt hps should be fine for two plants...

Careful with the watering..I usually water every 5 days or so.

Got anymore pics?


Well-Known Member
congratulations, it's a girl..

there are many many brands of good nutes. the important parts are that A) they're water-soluble and not time-release B) they're designed for your medium and C) they're organic. I grow in a medium that's between soil and soil-less and use Botanicare, which have been great to me.


Active Member
they are about a month old... i think when they were outside they weren't getting as much sun as they needed.. they were growing super slow.. which is why we put them under cfls and now they're going really good.. when they were outside we were really watching them for bugs..they have been under cfls for a bout 5 days now and have grown like and inch and a half.. thanks for the advice!! again this is our first grow and we are willing to take any advice as we are still learning!! heres a few more pics of our set up.. i think i might get some white paint and paint the sides and take the foil out.. everyone is saying it can cause hot spots or burn spots!!

the first pic is of the biggest plant.. the one that has the white hair thingys.. they are towards the top of the plant.. theres some coming straight out of the top where new leaves are coming in and also on the set of leaves below that..in the 2nd pic of the set up the plants were further away from the lights.. they are about 2 inches away now.. how many cfls are sufficient for 3 plants? we were thinking of adding at least 2 more 26watt cfls.. thanks guys!!!



Well-Known Member
You should try to get as many daylight/softwhite(for vegitation) as you can, 30watt or more per bulb(true not equiv.) I have a total of 8-27 warmlight on my 2 plants(warmlight for flowering) Use y splitters to make 1 socket into 2, find at any hardware store.

Get rid of that foil, paint flat white....good luck:peace:


Active Member
ttt...hey guys.. just an update... i added some more lights... so i have a total of 4 26 watt cfls and 2 75 watt floro tubes.. i plan on getting an 400w hps in the next few days to add to this.. my main concern is making sure that the bottom/lower leaves are covered. i just purchased some nutes.. fox farm grow big and big bloom. so hopefully ill be getting those going soon.. still on 18/6 and plants are growing much better since brought in from outside. i also have an oscillating fan on the set up util we can get a computer fan thingy hooked up in there... do i need more light? addition nutes that would be beneficial? any advice or help is much appreciated!!

thanks guys!! bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I would look into getting some supplements for your plants. Something to give your plants that extra edge.


Well-Known Member
get rid of the foil reflects more heat than spectrum... glossy white poster board works great and ...."ITS CHEAP" get it at any art supply store and as far as supplements stay organic sea-weed extract works great for little girls


Well-Known Member
I would have thought 4x26w per plant would be more like it - 2 on top and 1 either side of each plant and really get those lights as close to the leaves as you can without burning them. 42 or 46w ones would be better though if you can get those - they're double the wattage but certainly not double the price.

so perhaps get a few 42/42w globes for top lighting and use the 23's you've got as side lighting..

also, a 400w HPS is way overkill for 2 plants and remember you're going to have some heat issues to deal with.

If you plan on doing bigger grows in the future (6-8 plants) then grab a 400 now and deal with the heat issues, but if you're happy to stick with 2-3 plants (up to 4-5oz of bud) then a 250w HPS would be perfect and run and lot cooler than a 400..


Active Member
thanks for the advice guys.. def will look into getting some supplements.. i just got some flat white paint.. so im gonna get rid of that foil asap.. guess it was a pretty noob thing to do! will the fumes of the paint hurt the plants? like should i let the paint dry/air out for a few days before putting the plants back in there or will they be fine? i was also thinking to put the hps up in addition to the cfls thru the rest of veg.. will this be fine for flowering too or is the hps enough? i just want to make sure those bottom leaves are getting some love too! thanks so much for any advice guys! i really appreciate it!! :joint:
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Well-Known Member
foil can act like a magnifying glass and create 'hot spots' on plants which can burn them. This only really applies to HPS and not CFLs and apparently the flat size of foil is better to use than the shiny side.

i'd definitely let the paint dry for a good 24-48hrs before putting any HPS lights in there or any plants.

it definitely can't hurt to have 1 or 2 CFLs per plant as side lighting to help the lower leaves (during veg) and buds (during flowering), so if you've got the lights and the room, go for it.


Well-Known Member
hey guys.. this is our first grow.. we have 3 plants from bagseed. they were growing outdoors but we just moved them inside under 2 26watt cfls.. about 2 inches from the plants.. we are working on adding at least 2 more 26 watt cfls. they are in veg and we are doing 18/6. we water them once a day.. being careful not to overwater them ;-). they are making great progress since we have brought them from outside and put them under the cfls. for flowering we plan on using 2 150watt hps. is that sufficient or do we need more? we have miracle grow moisture control ( yes i know this is not good.. next time we will start with our own mix). we are using osmocote smart-release plant food.. nutes are 19-6-12. any suggestions on something better for next time? also we have some pics of our tallest plant ( hopefully to be a girl!!) but there are some white tips/hair things coming in and wondering if anyone can tell us anything from looking at them! again this is our first grow we are learning a lot and experimenting with many things.. any help/advice is much appreciated!!

thanks in advance!!! :mrgreen:
hello! first - you gonna need atleast 10 cfls imo.second - you will get decent results with 2 150W hps for sure. be carefull with the watering...maybe once every other day is better! good luck! Cheers!!! CheetaH


Well-Known Member
i was also thinking to put the hps up in addition to the cfls thru the rest of veg.. will this be fine for flowering too or is the hps enough? i just want to make sure those bottom leaves are getting some love too! thanks so much for any advice guys! i really appreciate it!! :joint:
Yes, use the HPS if you have it, but remember that thing is going to put out a lot of heat, so you might want to think about setting up a bigger grow box or getting really good air circulation going through there.

Plants love both spectrum's of light opposed to just one, so having the blue from the CFL's and red from the HPS will do them good.


Active Member
thanks for all the help/advice guys! i got the foil out of there and added the flat white paint.. i also added another fan just to help the circulation. i started fox farm's grow big and big bloom yesterday and only added 1/4 of the recommended dosage. hps should be here soon! again thanks for all the advice.. i really appreciate it!!!