Our GIRL "Killer" is flowering! (PICS)


Well-Known Member
how is that to help?
how much do u use?
as "the bitch" lmao..isn't online perhaps i shall oblige in her...ahem...absence lol cuz as i said above, she gave me the tip *bow* once again to the cannabitch.
blackstrap molasses fattens up the buds dude.gets em really crystally(sic)
use 1-2 tblspns per gal of water every watering and flushing, right up to harvest.
your kids'll love u for it!!!

sorry to jump in cannab...praps i'm ur proxy biatch lmao


Well-Known Member
as "the bitch" lmao..isn't online perhaps i shall oblige in her...ahem...absence lol cuz as i said above, she gave me the tip *bow* once again to the cannabitch.
blackstrap molasses fattens up the buds dude.gets em really crystally(sic)
use 1-2 tblspns per gal of water every watering and flushing, right up to harvest.
your kids'll love u for it!!!

sorry to jump in cannab...praps i'm ur proxy biatch lmao
Oh Dixie please don't apologize! You ARE my proxy biaaatch. lol. No seriously it's perfect because it seems you're on here when im not and vice versa. We're covered. :hump: lmao.

Listen up readers Dixie78 is my proxy biatch so Dixie can answer for me when i'm not here.

So you really think they'd dig the rainbows chucks? lol


Well-Known Member
i appreciate your help
time to go to wal-mart!
I'm glad Dixie was here to help you. So did you get the molasses?

I have this other indica and she's growing very slowwww. I'm thinking she was a premie seed. She came from the same bag as Killer..weird. anyways, SHE is one FROSTY BITCH. I'm sure molasses is helping it. Here's some pics of her.
She has some thick dense buds too. Use the molasses man. All of you should check her frosty ass out. Keep in mind she came from the same bag as Killer. I don't know what happened to her but she is going to be DANK. lol



Well-Known Member
I'm glad Dixie was here to help you. So did you get the molasses?

I have this other indica and she's growing very slowwww. I'm thinking she was a premie seed. She came from the same bag as Killer..weird. anyways, SHE is one FROSTY BITCH. I'm sure molasses is helping it. Here's some pics of her.
She has some thick dense buds too. Use the molasses man. All of you should check her frosty ass out. Keep in mind she came from the same bag as Killer. I don't know what happened to her but she is going to be DANK. lol
*puts on sunglasses* woah:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's looking really good. *Drool* haha. So how much do you think the molasses helps with that? I've heard of using it before but since we don't have a hydro shop in town do you think somewhere else would sell that stuff?


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's looking really good. *Drool* haha. So how much do you think the molasses helps with that? I've heard of using it before but since we don't have a hydro shop in town do you think somewhere else would sell that stuff?
They sell molasses at your local grocery stores/walmart. It's next to the pancake syrup. Be sure to get unsulphured blackstrap molasses. I think it's helping quite well for my plants. All i got to do is touch a leaf and my finger is sticky as hell and when i lick it to taste it's VERY sweet. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks for the help. I'm sure it would be fine to use this with the Dr. Hornby's Big Bud additive? Be like an extra boost maybe?


Well-Known Member
Yea totally. I'm pretty sure you can mix molasses with anything. I promise it will not do any harm to your plants. You're welcome for the help. :)


Active Member
very crispy i see good things in that slow growin baby...

sorry if youve already metioned, but which strain?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad Dixie was here to help you. So did you get the molasses?

I have this other indica and she's growing very slowwww. I'm thinking she was a premie seed. She came from the same bag as Killer..weird. anyways, SHE is one FROSTY BITCH. I'm sure molasses is helping it. Here's some pics of her.
She has some thick dense buds too. Use the molasses man. All of you should check her frosty ass out. Keep in mind she came from the same bag as Killer. I don't know what happened to her but she is going to be DANK. lol

CannaB im seeing some webbing on dem dar buds you checked for insects?:confused: