Our first grow room

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
so yesterday when i checked "Shannon" she looked pretty good except for a few small burns on the edge of some of the leaves. these are pictures from last night at 8pm

and this is from today at 930am:

anybody know why this is happening? please give me info asap, ill be checking back cuz i wanna help the plant out before anything else happens

i'll start posting pictures of "mary" (kush plant) and "jane" (orange plant) in a separate post so you guys dont get confused.

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
so last night we decided to move a plant into the new grow area to see how it would grow. i think its doing pretty well up there.

here's "Jane" (orange plant) last night around 8pm. the thermo said it was about 98 degrees and 37% humidity

this was around 930am this morning. the thermo said it was 77degrees and 30% humidity (the lights were off all night and just turned on)

Here's a picture of "Mary" (kush plant) from yesterday around 830pm

this one is from 930am this morning

Here's a picture of NL baby #1 from yesterday

and today

Here's a picture of NL baby #2 from yesterday

and today

Here's a picture of NL baby #3 from yesterday

and today

and the whole family (jane's in the other room)


Well-Known Member
lol You know if I hadn't have come back and read that, I probably would've ended up going to Home Depot and looking through the lighting section for a few hours. Thanks for the heads up!

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
haha np dude. it always helps to know your local hardware store and what they have cuz its better than walking around clueless then trying really hard to talk to the employees to ask them where their supplies are for a cannabis grow room.. but at the same time trying to make it seem like youre buying supplies for your mom's garden hahah while high :P

but ya anybody have any suggestions about the plant(s)?? i dont like seeing burns on my baby.. its so sad =[


Well-Known Member
........looking real good compared to the last couple of weeks!
I still think your overwatering Shannon though, and I dont think that is 'burn.' Have you had her dry out enough that she(hope it's a she!) droops a bit?? Do it and get a feel for the pot weight and then water real good and feel it again. You can easily get a 'feel' for when it needs water better than sticking your finger in there every time. You want that soil to dry out a bit and make the roots reach and not rot--they need oxygen too........
you about ready to repot her?
what is your ventilation set-up now?

Great luck to you guys! Have fun!


Well-Known Member
haha np dude. it always helps to know your local hardware store and what they have cuz its better than walking around clueless then trying really hard to talk to the employees to ask them where their supplies are for a cannabis grow room.. but at the same time trying to make it seem like youre buying supplies for your mom's garden hahah while high :P
lol WOW...you TOTALLY understand! lol

I'd rep you if I could, but I have to spread it around.

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
........looking real good compared to the last couple of weeks!
I still think your overwatering Shannon though, and I dont think that is 'burn.' Have you had her dry out enough that she(hope it's a she!) droops a bit?? Do it and get a feel for the pot weight and then water real good and feel it again. You can easily get a 'feel' for when it needs water better than sticking your finger in there every time. You want that soil to dry out a bit and make the roots reach and not rot--they need oxygen too........
you about ready to repot her?
what is your ventilation set-up now?

Great luck to you guys! Have fun!
what do you think those brown marks on the edges of the leaves are then? and yeah i have let her dry out a little (on accident haha) i believe about 2-3 times since i planted her. thanks for that advice though, im gonna start doing that. how often do you think i should let her "dry out" and stretch for water?

and how big of a pot do you think i should move up to? i believe the one shes using now is a half gallon or 1 gallon.

earlier this week i had her up in the attic.. but it was reaching the 100's with a c02 bottle and i was scared to leave her up there so i moved her to the bathroom by herself. i believe its a constant 70-85 in there since i have a window and a fan on most of the day with 2 23w cfl's on top of her


Well-Known Member
........I see what you mean<-----"burn" from the heat; I was meaning it didn't look to me like a nute burn...and the heat could have been causing the drooping as well.
I wouldn't let her "dry-out" on a regular basis(not to the point of drooping) as you may just be stressing her out....just dont leave her wet and get a feel for the weight of the container<----I think you have this under control:blsmoke: The temps were obviously your major issue.....
As for the container size, there are many different opinions.......as I am sure you've read. It really matters how long you plan to veg and how big you plan for her to get(1' per gal rule??), not to mention what strain your growing. I prefer rooting my cuttings in peat pots, then to 16oz Solo cups for 10-14 days until they're about 8-10inches tall, then to 3 gal grow bags for a week----then, straight into 12/12 sog style and their max height is about 24-28inches averaging 1.5zip ea in under 60 days 12/12. But I pretty much have been growing from the same linage for over 2yrs........

I think your doing great! Keep those temps under control and repot about a week or so before you go to flower. Keep up the great pics!!



Well-Known Member
under watering man... get a meter from store and water her(hopefully) when she needs to be. Yea yea tell me all you want about that not being the case but its fact so take care of her and good luck. Also remember it is a weed so don't let it consume your everyday thought and weeds always grow if given a decent enviorment. Good Luck!

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
thanks, and ya i know i need that meter for the water. but it all the little things add up and i haven't even started flowering yet. how much are those meters anyways?

btw heres a little update on shannon, mary and jane. =]

this is jane sept 7

this is jane sept 9

this is mary sept 7

this is mary sept 9

this is shannon on sept 9

btw, my bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow and wilt. does anybody have any ideas as to why this might be happening? i think i read somewhere that if the bottom half of the plant doesn't receive enough sunlight the leaves at the bottom turn yellow and die. is this what is happening here?


Well-Known Member
the leafs life cycle is over. its safe to pull it off now. I got my meter for 6 bucks at the depot

Shannons Keepers

Active Member
oh ok so the lowest leaves will all eventually die out after their life cycle is over? i didn't know that. haha learn something new every day


Well-Known Member
imo they look kind of sick and im seeing alot of wasted light. I see time release nute balls in the one. What nutes are you giving them and what dose? How much water are you giving them, they kind of look a little over watered. The bottom leaves do dry up but usually on my plants I prefer to leave them on till the stem drys then snip them.


Well-Known Member
I am a newb but is adding reflective surfaces around that walls a good or bad idea? Ive heard some say good and others say bad (might burn the plants) but if its good...theres my tip haha.

Looks good and good luck!
Dude your avatar rocks.