Ounce of Shake?


Well-Known Member

How much is a reasonable price for an ounce of shake? Keep in mind that it's shake which has been completely derived from bud (it had mega seeds in it). I'm just wondering how much you would pay/charge for this much shake, keeping in mind that it's "high quality shake" lol.




Well-Known Member
Hmmm,interesting question,im wondering just how hi quality it can be seeing that it had a shitload of seeds.


Well-Known Member
depends on the bud. Minus the seeds I'd pay about 50%-75% for all shake... I hate shake it dries out way fast, but it is nice and easy to pack up a bowl just pinch and light...


Well-Known Member
I like to find a bag of shake to buy becasue it is always cheaper and just saves me the hassle of breaking down the bud. But no more than $50


Well-Known Member
If its reall good shake (like namebrand stuff) I have seen it go for $200 an o all day long in SoCal. If it had seeds like you said and is haggard looking it is worth way less. I only mess with it if say, I got a p and I had to seperate it..


Well-Known Member
You can just roll like 28 gram blunts and sell them for like 5 bucks a pop. That's almost $150 and I'd pay $5 for a gram blunt.


Well-Known Member
It's not really an ounce of weed with all those seeds in it. They really weigh it down...and if it were "high quality" shake then I'm sure it wouldn't have as many seeds in it as you say. I would pay $40 tops...


Well-Known Member
It's probably just some dried up crushed leaves, probably like no bud at all. I'd feel like a dickhead selling that shit to anyone.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: I'm too fucking stoned

Usually about $150-200 for top shelf shake. No seeds, mostly tiny nugs. Pretty bomb for making oil and wax.